mistake a lot of bad locks make is you dont ALWAYS have to dot EVERYTHING, and it can be best not to apply ANY dots in a number of situations
your main role is damage, yes, but even importantly fear's one of the best cc's in the bracket
DOTS can BREAK fear, if you want a char to be feared and stay feared - dont dot it!
eg: when fighting hunters, chainfear the hunter without dotting him first, while you kill the pet and bandage up - then dot hunter, send pet on him and pillarhump while waiting for the dr
if you're 1v1ing a rogue and he's LoSing you trying to get a bandage - dont rambo in trying to dot before it ticks off - pull the pet off for a sec, wait til the dots almost ticked off then send the pet in - he should be spamming his stealth button as soon as the dot finish's - and your pet should interrupt his bandage before it does any good - yay you've blown his stealth cd and his bandage cd and you're ready to redot...
in wsg you dont have to dot healers, unless they are the nuke target, its better to keep them dot free for incoming polys and longer lasting fears.
remember the win isnt about 'OMFG LOOK AT MY DMG DONE' - dmg done is PISS easy on a lock, its about using your cc, dot pressure and single target dps correctly as part of your team
- yamaraj #1 lock