Lock solo SFK vid (+d3 lawls)


Media and description from youtube below.

Deadvulcano said:

This is my first attempt to clear this dungeon as a warlock. No deaths throughout the entire dungeon. Although I should have died several times. The first several fights were poorly executed. This video was mainly to show what an undergeared warlock could do. I avoided using the racial as much as possible (except for pet damage of course.)

Includes a boss that I didn't attempt on my mage: Verdan the Everliving

Using the in game track from wailing caverns, there is some crackling noises because I was a little too close to a fire.


00:10 - Lady Anacondra

02:04 - Lord Pythas

03:34 - Lord Cobrahn

04:33 - Kresh

05:03 - Skum

06:16 - Lord Serpentis

07:41 - Verdan The Everliving

08:56 - Dreamer's Rock

10:21 - Mutanus the Devourer

12:02 - Gear

12:52 - Bonus Attempt, don't let this happen to you

This may be my last go on WoW vids. Didn't put nearly as much working into completing this as my last vid. I'd like to try SFK on a lock sometime, but I'm not sure I want to gear for it.

Most of the random geared people have been great. I enjoyed working with you and your never surrender attitude. As long as one of you tried I was there to help when I could. Several great ppl on AP too, but F2P attracted all kinds. I have tons of footage from across multiple toons, but may never make the time to put those vids together.

Maybe someone else can put together hardmode solo gearing. I think my lock was a little overgeared for some of these fights. Worth a shot if you're looking for a challenge and willing to geardown. Its bad game design that ppl need to gear/spec/race/etc down to get some kind of challenge from the game. Probably upload a vid of D3 beta later, went through the whole thing with starter gear only. Even then... these solo dungeon runs have been harder
Especially SFK

Hunters can solo more content than warlocks but warlocks can actually have their pet tank stuff.

Also did you really expect a challenge from the D3 Beta killing the first boss in part 1 of act 1 on normal difficulty as a ranged class with an attack that doubles as an escape mechanism? Come on. Do it as a level 1 mage and i'll be impressed because i've only seen it duo'd before.
RShaman can go the highest in dungeons. I've done SFK on shaman, never heard of a hunter that can kill the final boss there.

Hunters can solo more content than warlocks but warlocks can actually have their pet tank stuff.

Also did you really expect a challenge from the D3 Beta killing the first boss in part 1 of act 1 on normal difficulty as a ranged class with an attack that doubles as an escape mechanism? Come on. Do it as a level 1 mage and i'll be impressed because i've only seen it duo'd before.

You might want to check out/keep tabs on Path of Exile for the 'gritty' Diablo 'thing', and Torchlight II for the co-op funzies if you prefer not to support Blizz.

But yeah, having to downgrade in gear is a silly mechanic, same with Blizz's 'doing Grey Quests is fun/content!'-philosophy.
I've supported runic for a long time because of their use of open source tools specifically. Torchlight 2 is not only "more fun" but allows greater user freedom too. However, blizzard solves several problems in the genre with D3 and I'll be getting it because of the game mechanics and superior solutions.

I suspect D3 will ramp up in difficulty before the end of Act 1 or the beginning of Act 2. The mechanics have potential for sure, just need more difficult encounters without the down gearing.

I probably should have split this into 2 topics (and forums), but the idea with both WC and D3 are related. Down gearing/spec/race/etc is a user solution, but it shouldn't come to that. Torchlight 2 lets you start out in higher difficulties. You can play to your best and find sufficient challenge without gimping yourself. I just hope they spent more time improving the mechanics and core game play with this iteration.

I'm interested to see more about how the Path of Exile developers view this genre. Thanks, looking into it.

Personally I started playing the genre with Dungeon Siege and ''even' after trying the Diablo's and games such as Titan Quest, I still like the first one (with Legends) the best, for the same reason why I still end(ed) up with playing WoW and loved the first Neverwinter Nights: controls and race/character customisation/toon choice (+ new modding content).

Torchlight, Titan Quest, the 'F2P Diablo' Drakensang Online (solo it's fun till abt lvl 20, and if you stay clear form PvP it's free) etc. just have too few character choices in their visuals to my taste, though in and by itself I really liked the controls &Talent builds of Titan Quest .

As for difficulty in WoW and other MMO's: the trick is imo to offer choices, as a 'simple-hard'' slider like single-player/co-op games do is imo unlikely to work

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