List: Crossrealm Server Groups and Connected Realms

Updated upcoming connections and the realm list according to the following changes:

The following realms are due to be connected on 19 August:

German Realms
(PvE) Rexxar and Alleria
(PvP) Kel'Thuzad and Arthas/Vek’lor/Blutkessel
(PvP) Onyxia and Dethecus/Terrordar/Mug’thol/Theradras
French Realms
(RP) Les Sentinelles and Confrerie du Thorium/Les Clairvoyants
Connected Realms - Update 8/20 - World of Warcraft

Dont get how they connect them and why.. why bother if u cant add ppl to friend list and trade or even see most times..
Must be " oh look so many ppl this game is awesome! " thing

Your link is from the US realms, in case you didnt notice.
The realms share their auction house and people can invite eachother into guilds. Also you dont need to add someone because there is the btag.
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Updated upcoming connections and the realm list according to the following changes:

The following realms were successfully connected today:

German Realms
(PvP) Wrathbringer and Arthas/Vek’lor/Blutkessel/Kel'Thuzad
(PvP) Azshara and Krag'jin
(RP) Die ewige Wacht and Die Silberne Hand
(RP) Todeswache and Zirkel des Cenarius
Updated upcoming connections and the realm list according to the following changes:

The following realms were successfully connected today:

German Realms
(PvE) Proudmoore and Madmortem
(PvP) Frostmourne and Nazjatar/Dalvengyr
(PvP) Gorgonnash and Nefarian/Nera'thor/Mannoroth/Destromath
(RP) Der Mithrilorden and Der Rat von Dalaran
(RP PvP) Kult der Verdammten and Die Arguswacht/Die Todeskrallen/Das Syndikat/Der Abyssische Rat
Updated according to the following changes:

The following realms are due to be connected on 3 September:

English Realms
(RP PVP) Defias Brotherhood and Scarshield Legion/Ravenholdt/The Venture Co/Sporeggar
German Realms
(PvP) Zuluhed and Nazjatar/Dalvengyr/Frostmourne
(PvP) Kil'Jaeden and Anetheron/Festung der Stürme/Rajaxx/Gul'dan/Nathrezim
(RP) Forscherliga and Die Nachtwache
Updated according to the following changes:

The following realms were successfully connected earlier today:

German Realms
(PvP) Anub'arak and Nazjatar/Dalvengyr/Frostmourne/Zuluhed
Updated according to the following changes:

The following realms are due to be connected on 17 September:

English Realms
(PvE) Bronzebeard and Aerie Peak
(PvE) Blade's Edge and Vek'nilash
French Realms
(PvP) Sargeras and Garona/Ner’zhul
Updated according to the following changes:

The following realms are due to be connected on 24 September:
English Realms
(PvE) Alonsus and Kul Tiras
French Realms
(PvE) Chants éternels and Vol'jin
(PvP) Kael'Thas and Arak-arahm, Throk'Feroth, Rashgarroth
Updated according to the following changes:

The following realms are due to be connected on 1 October:
English Realms
(PvE) Anachronos and Alonsus, Kul Tiras
(PvE) Emerald Dream and Terenas
(PvP) Twilight's Hammer and Agamaggan, Bloodscalp, Crushridge, Emeriss, Hakkar
(PvP) Al'Akir and Skullcrusher, Xavius
Updated according to the following changes:

The following realms are due to be connected on 8 October:
English Realms
(RP) Steamwheedle Cartel and Moonglade, The Sha'tar
(PvE) Eonar and Vek'nilash, Blade's Edge
German Realms
(RP PvP) Das Konsortium and Das Syndikat, Die Arguswacht, Die Todeskrallen, Der abyssische Rat, Kult der Verdammten

These have been the last connections for EU for now. As with the US thread, I will keep bumping this to the front page once in a while and watch out for new announcements.
The launch of 6.0.2 brought some unannounced changes to the server groups, so I updated them.
As before, let me know about mistakes and I will correct them.

The US list is going to be updated soon.

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