Updated according to the following changes:
English Realms
(PvP) Xavius and Skullcrusher
(PvP) Vashj and Dragonmaw/Haomarush/Spinebreaker
French Realms
(PvE) Suramar and Medivh
(RP PvP) Conseil des Ombres and La Croisade écarlate/Culte de la Rive noire
Spanish Realms
(RP) Los Errantes and (PvE) Colinas Pardas/Tyrande
The following realm connections have been temporarily postponed. We'll share the new connection date as soon as possible:
English Realms
(PvP) Laughing Skull and Shattered Halls/Balnazzar/Ahn'Qiraj/