LF Hunter thoughts

what about [item]Darkweave Breeches[/item] for pants? I know that most people go with fang legs but i kinda like the AP and mana from int on the darkweave
-darkweave breaches is ok for hunter but leggings of the fang is preferable because darkweave give less stats (9agi>7int) and its cloth(it doesn't matter that much but a minor upgrade is a minor upgrade). If you want a different option, 5/5 falcon is a good piece (better for premades imo).

Hit is the most important stat for hunter. Many persons say they dont nottice the dps difference, (dps wise)the increasement isn't visible without testing it but its by far the best stat for hunter til you reach hit cap plus its not only about dps, hit also increase your reliability, like if your pet miss a stun on a healer or on the efc it can make you lose games ( happened to me many times before I realize how important hit cap is (its ridiculous losing game because of bad luck)(btw get hit capped, 8-9 hit is ok but hit cap is still the top priority, you wnat misses otu of the table).

also the herod shoulder are superior to shadowcraft one if you have access to BoA. However the rogue chest is superior to the hunter chest.

Idk whats your race but if your alliance in wsg you need 5% (4% if you are a draenei), and 7% in arena (6% if your a space goat) because there is many night elf and you dont want to miss them. if you r horde you should always have 7% (except if you know your not facing a night elf (you need 5% in that case)).

Someone suggested 5 hit rating to boot, its a good chant if you dont have access to boa but 7agi and getting hit capped via equipments and talent(if you can get hit cap with gear only its superior then talents) is better. Minor speed isn't as good as it used to be since we got cheetah now(it doesn't stack and cheetah if well used is really good (timing your aspect switch between attacks is very useful to get away(take some pratice tho)).

btw for pug you should use a set of gear balanced between agility and int ( I use a glass canon set here but if you are not a skilled hunter id suggest you to get some stam( but dont stack it like some huntards do).

for premade I believe that there is a post on twinkinfo for gearing a hunter for premade (on offense you want class canon set with alot of mana, if you play defense(idk if hunter are still viable on D(haven't premaded in a long time) stack stam and int).

as said earlie, careful aim is a mandatory talent, you can pick improved conc shot then 3 poitns in lethal shot(if you get hit capped via talent repalce lethal shot by focused aim) there is 2 points remaining, my preference would be savage strike but if your premading you might want to consider hawk eye or lethal shot.

hope my long post helped some, sorry about my grammar( second language)
Échoes said:
-darkweave breaches is ok for hunter but leggings of the fang is preferable because darkweave give less stats (9agi>7int) and its cloth(it doesn't matter that much but a minor upgrade is a minor upgrade). If you want a different option, 5/5 falcon is a good piece (better for premades imo).

Hit is the most important stat for hunter. Many persons say they dont nottice the dps difference, (dps wise)the increasement isn't visible without testing it but its by far the best stat for hunter til you reach hit cap plus its not only about dps, hit also increase your reliability, like if your pet miss a stun on a healer or on the efc it can make you lose games ( happened to me many times before I realize how important hit cap is (its ridiculous losing game because of bad luck)(btw get hit capped, 8-9 hit is ok but hit cap is still the top priority, you wnat misses otu of the table).

also the herod shoulder are superior to shadowcraft one if you have access to BoA. However the rogue chest is superior to the hunter chest.

Idk whats your race but if your alliance in wsg you need 5% (4% if you are a draenei), and 7% in arena (6% if your a space goat) because there is many night elf and you dont want to miss them. if you r horde you should always have 7% (except if you know your not facing a night elf (you need 5% in that case)).

Someone suggested 5 hit rating to boot, its a good chant if you dont have access to boa but 7agi and getting hit capped via equipments and talent(if you can get hit cap with gear only its superior then talents) is better. Minor speed isn't as good as it used to be since we got cheetah now(it doesn't stack and cheetah if well used is really good (timing your aspect switch between attacks is very useful to get away(take some pratice tho)).

btw for pug you should use a set of gear balanced between agility and int ( I use a glass canon set here but if you are not a skilled hunter id suggest you to get some stam( but dont stack it like some huntards do).

for premade I believe that there is a post on twinkinfo for gearing a hunter for premade (on offense you want class canon set with alot of mana, if you play defense(idk if hunter are still viable on D(haven't premaded in a long time) stack stam and int).

as said earlie, careful aim is a mandatory talent, you can pick improved conc shot then 3 poitns in lethal shot(if you get hit capped via talent repalce lethal shot by focused aim) there is 2 points remaining, my preference would be savage strike but if your premading you might want to consider hawk eye or lethal shot.

hope my long post helped some, sorry about my grammar( second language)

You are so wrong on so many levels :eek:!
Actually he is so right !

my hunter has about 1.2k life and about 1k mana and is as balanced as it can be for a hunter without lucky fishing hat and AGM. so i'd say its quite a good exemple.

what i found stupid are mostly those who put 22int on their weapon instead of 25 agi where 25 agi is strickly better. thats one mistake you dont want to do. another mistake people does is thinking that stats are that skill points for defense and the one of your weapon needs to be at their maximum. that is not the case and that is why hit rating works differently in PVP. the only thing that needs be calculated is the level difference because your skills even though they might be 1, will be considered as 95 at level 19. of ourse your stat sheet wont show it that way though. example of my crit showing 15% instead of 25%

besides that minor speed isn'T as important as a hunter since you are not supposed to be reachable. most of the time people will be half dead if not more when they reach you and at that point a few mongoose and savage strikes will finish the job with ease. not to mention you can fear others pet, immolate them to help melee dps. not saying hunter are beast in melee, but they can hold their own if well played.

most of the times minor speed wont be of much uses.

so i suggest you go for 7agi or 5hit to boots, especially if you have lucky fishing hat and AGM on you !

BoA wise, its my personnal choice, but i think the hand canon is better then the bow.

sure the bow gives hit rating, but it gives less stats and you lose the crit. but thats me, i like things that go "BOOM" instead of "SWOOSH"
ArthurianKnight said:
mcbankington, please stop trying to be cool by implying that hunters are easy mode, if you'd have played one you'd know what i mean, and by playing i really mean playing !

I used to have a 19 hunter that wasnt chanted but had the gear, I decided to try a BG, and I deleted him after seeing how easy it was. My rotation was simple too. Serpents > Conc > Hunters mark > Arcane shot > Multishot > repeat with out hunters mark and serpent sting.
and i presume you played back in the time where hunters weren't even playing against true twinks, and the time where we simply one shotted everyone. i'm sure you also think that playing a rogue is cool or easy then ! oh and i'm sure you think that warriors sucks badly and that this game is so unbalanced that people should all have the very same characters.

please, stop trying to act cool by saying things like that, it makes me mad, for i love playing hunters, and contrary to what popular believe i am not loving cause they own, for i dont own that much with it, i play because i love it, and it makes me mad to hear such thought on a charcater that plays so differently then others !
McBankington said:
I used to have a 19 hunter that wasnt chanted but had the gear, I decided to try a BG, and I deleted him after seeing how easy it was. My rotation was simple too. Serpents > Conc > Hunters mark > Arcane shot > Multishot > repeat with out hunters mark and serpent sting.

first of all, hunter dps at 19 is based on a priority list(only talking about pulling dps, not cc'ing), not rotation.

conc shot is a situationnal shot. you should start with multi-shot since its the highest priority on your list (because its your highest dps cd), after it should be arcane shot or serpenet sting (it depends of situation, which can pull the most damage ) you put hunter's mark in middle of your *rotation*, what bring most dps, multi-shot or 20 ap(for the duration of the fight)? (however you should have time to mark you target before you get in range, if you cant, then you will have to use it when theres no better options available)

your saying hunters are easy to play, you played them once, and you didn't understand this concept ( yes hunters are easy to play but being a good hunter ,at 19 or 80, is quite a challenge)

(Idk if your trolling but that can easily mislead others)

@Arthurian: I prefer the gun too (sexy burst ^^), but i gotta disagree with the weapon chant part, both chants are really great, my hunter got 1.7k mana and I often go oom so int is an important stat for me, but when you dont fully use your mana, then you need to adjust ( like if the opposite team got a strong team and you die often, then you might want consider equipping gear with different stat then int in this match because you dont fully use your int, making it a less valuable stat).
Crilicilyn said:
yo echoes is from my battlegroup and is pretty beast. BTW I MISS YOU!

<3 transfering to ruin after 3.3 need my boa gun(its currently on my horde twink) D:

(are you in ruin now or planning to make the move o_O)
after 3.3 it looks like i will be moving to! we should transfer together! ATM, I wanna maybe work on pallys hat, finish shammy and i dk I might just scrap my current hunter.
Pizza said:
You are so wrong on so many levels :eek:!

I see nothing wrong with his post. The comment about 5hit to boots is debatable, but it nevertheless remains a viable chant option. Also again there is nothing wong with using DWB, however i generally prefer 5/5 eagle tbh.
I actually am going to put 5hit on my hunters boots if i dont delete it. 5 hit on boots+spidersilk+lavishly is 11, all i need on an ally hunter. Aspect shuffling > minor speed.
echoes: i am not against people using the full intellect build, i am against those saying 22intellect is strickly better then 25 agi. to me the intellect is not as much as it seems on a hunter, for i can simply stop drink and go back in. whatever happens you are bound to be missing mana during a fight, its the gulch afterall. i do agree that having a bigger mana pool is quite good, but i dont think its necessary to go out of its way to get a huge mana pool for nothing !

exemple, i've seen 1k life hunters with 2k mana pools. though it might be good to them, in the end they failed when coming against me, and i'm not so pro, i'm more of an average hunter then anything else. so if i can beat them, clearly they either dont know how to play or their spec sucks badly, i'm guessing a mix of both. back to the argument, yes it is true that to each its own. i preffer agility over intellect in the case of hunters. because it gives them that armor and dodge they need to survive when someone actually comes into close range.

many people says hunters can never be close ranged, but that is strickly a lie and i'm sure you already know this. hunters are easy to get in melee, though you might lose lots of your life, if you know how to play you will get in range and thats where things goes wrong for the hunter. since i'm an average guy on many fields... i can tell that the agility has saved my life more often then the intellect. true i have to stop once in a while, but i think even with a mana pool of 2k you'll eventually stop to either drink or die to regain that, because no drink will ever get you back that 2k mana pool !

in that regard i found that to me, 1.2k HP and 1k Mana was just perfect !

oh and if mana is a big problem, then i suggest you take the serpent / arcane shot combo. there is a glyph that says that you regain 20% mana from arcane shot if the victim of it has serpent sting on it !

thus in rotation, serpent stings comes first, not second !

but its all a way to play it.
ArthurianKnight said:
Actually he is so right !

my hunter has about 1.2k life and about 1k mana.

That's pretty bad. My hunter has 1.2k hp and 1.7k mana. That means I have the same amount of health as you but I have more mana and more AP. Step up your game.
Twinkytoes said:
That's pretty bad. My hunter has 1.2k hp and 1.7k mana. That means I have the same amount of health as you but I have more mana and more AP. Step up your game.

Still, watch out for those UD mages.
ArthurianKnight said:
echoes: i am not against people using the full intellect build, i am against those saying 22intellect is strickly better then 25 agi. to me the intellect is not as much as it seems on a hunter

TL;DR whole post but i'll reply to this.

Use both enchants! start off with 22 int on TCS and once the mana has run out switch to 25agi on axe of power. This optimises your mana and your damage is still pretty close to 25 agi with int weapon out. An oom hunter is generally a dead hunter, or at least an ineffective hunter. With 22int TCS out you lose 9 RAP and 2.5% but gain 480 mana, which more than makes up for the stats lost in extra mana that you can deal damage with.

25 agi on TCS is a lazy mans weapon

ArthurianKnight said:
many people says hunters can never be close ranged, but that is strickly a lie and i'm sure you already know this. hunters are easy to get in melee, though you might lose lots of your life, if you know how to play you will get in range and thats where things goes wrong for the hunter. since i'm an average guy on many fields... i can tell that the agility has saved my life more often then the intellect. true i have to stop once in a while, but i think even with a mana pool of 2k you'll eventually stop to either drink or die to regain that, because no drink will ever get you back that 2k mana pool !

This is a valid point, stacking int past the point of needing mana is alittle ineffective, if you cant survive long enough to use your whole mana pool then swap out some int for agi. However if you're in the gulch with a healer or you rarely die or w/e then i'd advise int build. Personally if i were making a hunter i'd aim for a moderately high amount of int.
well... if a hunter isn't good at HvH then they'll get owned many ppl use different stratagies and if you still have an agi build set up melee'ing the other hunter is one of the best tricks since all their mana and dps from int goes to waste. 25agi>22int for 1v1 and some arena situations. 25 agi is limited to 2hers, a hunter can put 22int on barb and grab a furby pouch too don't forget. It's all about personal preference,

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