Lf bm hunter and priest for a core crz premading group. (random servers only)

idk we could probably try both but the initial plan for offence is.

sap the fc.

run in and fear bomb everyone

mind controll everyone but the fc off the edge

kill the fc

swoops keeps monk slow on so all our mele get tot.

warlock might be a valiad choice if u go demo for aura of enfeeblement. we could probably use another form of cc on the fc while mc'ing everyone else of the edge. there your fear might come in handy . i think we can test it out and see what works.

A fun tactic for invading their roof, but a little slow and overcomplicated. Requires too much Dom Mind, asking a lot out of a 2.5 sec cast and additional vulnerable time spent in the targeted players' bodies... with the same setup, I'd just dom mind the efc and Tstorm what you can off... maybe sap a healer at the edge to make sure that flies off. Run the EFC back to your offense, kill it quick. Anything that wasn't blown off by sham will be slowed and separated for a little while, and facing a crippling rogue and an ele sham, a fairly deadly combination that will have plenty of ToT. You can put swoops where you need him of course, if their fc's a drood put him on O, if not, put him on D so they never get ToT on you.

If you're going to be resto, I'd say make the D sham ele, since you also have the hpal's dispels, you'll be happy to have the additional tactical power and dps of an ele over a resto on D. Besides, it'd be a shame to let such a fun offensive strategy lose all its luster with a lame healspam defense strategy.

Das my 2 cents. I'd love to join but none of my hordelets are geared for beans.
hmmm this is true perhaps if we had a frost mage that could nova everyone priest mcs efc so he is now friendly then ele sham ts's everyone off edge from the frost nova . my only question is would the nova break from ts and still send them flying or would they just take damage and stay in place ?
Snow thanks for letting me join but i need to know if i need to use vent or what and i think the offense should be:
( If EFC is Roof and non Druid)
1)Sap EFC
2) priest fear bomb
3)Shammy T-storms off edge
4)Priest drops down and uses the aoe root to root them
5)Both rouges the warrior the Shammy and monk open EFC
5a)Both rouges take Subtefuge as talent allowing each to do a double ambush
5b) (If Healer EFC) while Shammy and monk open Warrior waits back to use charge as an interrupt ( if non healer EFC then warrior opens with Others)
5c) Shammy purges all buffs
5d) Finish EFC
6a) Priest (if holy) Chastises healer when they try to run back up
6b) Priest (if disc) bursts the healer down to make them stop and oom ( unless druid healer)
6c) (only if druid healer) Monk pops down to Slow the healer and assist the priest in damage
7)EFC dies and we return
ty feetsies i think this should definitely be very secretive now that i think about it . I definitely think we need some sort of a basis for communication so that we can organize this to the best of our abilities.

so lets look at our options.

we can use vent.
we can use skype.

personally i think skpe would be the best since you can leave stuff in a text message like format which could be very nice. If everyone is ok with skype pls send me a pm with a username ur using and what ever. hope this works out. look forward to sunday . :)
New to the forum and coming back to WoW after a few years but havent lost my pvp touch. Have a BM Hunter and Disc Priest (ironically, my 2 favs) on Arathor.
Priest: Zekia @ Arathor - Community - World of Warcraft
Hunter: Barzzal @ Arathor - Community - World of Warcraft

Not sure of some of the terminology so not sure whether or not its possible for me to participate but I would love to be involved in some premades and im available on weekends. No p2p account unfortunately atm. Planning on it soon after I buy cata/mop. Let me know if its possible for me to join or not, thanks!
our strategy should be that they look at our team and they afk out of fear, then we wait 5 mins for the forfeit

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