leveling 40 -> 49 as a warry in pvp

yea i just recently respec'd prot on my 71 warrior to get lvling grps easier and just now noticed the change to devastate....sunder + damage = win, it used to be you had to apply sunder separately then do devastate
Yup, war 59 now and using his prot duel spec in pvp. To be honest there doesnt seem to be awhole lot seperating them damage wise just needa be a little luckier with crits. Shieldblock + shieldslam is killer, especially on a FC thats got 5 sunders on him from devastate.
devastate glyph? 2 sunder per application? have you tried it, or are other glyphs just too good to pass?

btw, i hit 50! now i'm going to pve (warry q and such) up to 51 and get the AV polearm. i found a greater sav chant quite cheap... imo it suits good on a stat stick like that.

i'm still searching for the right chant for my lvl 60 weapon. atm i plan to use the marshall sword, which leads to some extra attacks. maybe a proc chant like icebreaker (200 fire dmg, 3-3,5PPM) is viable. the only prob is, that 200 is not a huge amount of dmg when fighting 67-69 opponents.

blood draining needs a lvl 75 wielder, which leads to berserking (400AP proc). the other options are accuracy (25 hit/crit) or massacre (110AP). lifeward would be a defensive choice, but with a bladestorm using a sword, lifeward can make the difference between killing the DK or not^^ (300-350 heal proc). in pvp a 330 heal can be superior to a 200 dmg proc (icebreaker) when you are lvl 60 in a 60-69 bracket.


i like the looks of deathfrost!!! will have a look at it too.
on my 49 warrior i used glyph of blocking, and revenge. for my 71 warrior i have no glyphs out of laziness and poorness (he's on a server where he's the highest toon, not my main server).

when i startd lvling my ex49 pally twink i had the BoA axe....messed with ice barbed for a bit, but BoA was better. then i bought the GM sword for shits & gigs, liked it and it actually lasted till 65 when BoA became outright better again. i used 110AP on the GM sword but you cant go wrong with berzerk or anything - just be aware that it IS replaceable, so consider how much gold you wanna sink into it.

berzerk > 110 ap > 85 ap > 70 ap > crusader > all else

i prefer static to procs - cept berzerkers proc is sexy ;]. i like the 110ap, but from what ive seen berzerker procs a lot and 400AP is nothing to sneeze at. crusader scales down after lvl 60, so it gets progressively worse where as 110 ap is always 110 ap, albeit with no heal. 25 hit/25 crit is nice, but meh. and no WAY i would use a slightly beefed up fiery weapon enchant, pah-lease

blood draining/lifeward would be semi feasible if you were going prot and only doing pve...imo they are not pvp enchants, and when you get 75+ its just not worth all the gold for a leveling weapon.
I'd agree with Falkor... berserking > 110ap > 85ap etc. but like he says it depends on how much gold you want to spend really since you can replace it at 65 with the axe from the ring of blood in nagrand. id personally go with 85ap ;)
Bansil said:
devastate glyph? 2 sunder per application? have you tried it, or are other glyphs just too good to pass?

I use devastate and blocking... Glyph of revenge is ok but after you get sword and board you wont be using heroic strike at all anyways. Plus its always nice to sunder your target nice and quick for the conc blow > shield block > shield slam combo not to mention helping your team-mates damage.

When i was arm 50-55 i used ice barbed spear with 85ap. Dont bother with GM sword though. Just get hellreaver when you ding 60. Its almost (!!) as good plus it wont cost you a chunk of honor/tokens which is probably better spent buying deadly/furious gear for when you finally ding 80.
stop stop stop!

i will remain classic and stay 60. i dont think GM sword will be rplaced by anything :)

and i already used my BC trial, so no quest gear possible atm. and yes, this boy is my highest char atm and i'm willing to pay some gold for chants^^

well atm (without any knowledge of what will happen when i hit 60) there are 4 weapon chants i'm lookin at:

deathfrost: the looks...THE LOOKZ!!!1111one

lifeward: if it is worth the heals, this baby will help me stay alive

massacre: statstick (maybe on a second weapon)

ZeRRRkeRRR: well, 400AP is 400AP is 400AP. but it is really expensive and i have to enchant more than just the weapon.
deathfrost: no

lifeward: no

massacre: good enchant, cheaper than berzerking and static vs proc. thats you're tough choice right there....oh and just my 2cents, i like to put proc enchants on stat sticks and static chants on proc weapons just to 'even' it out. but you may do the opposite.

berserking: yup 400 ap is 400 ap (and 5% less armor), just depends on how much gold you wanna drop and how much it costs on your server...may or may not be worth it.

also i dont think you can get blood draining can you (not that i would..but still). for all the other enchants they say "requires a level 60 or higher item" but blood draining says "enchantment requires level 75". so is it the same thing where the ilvl needs to be 75 or for BD does the wielder need to be 75. either way i wouldnt use blood draining for pvp or lifeward for that matter.

edit: oh also since you're staying 60 crusader is very viable. 200 AP and a heal...i'd place it just under berserking and just above 85 ap...imo its about even with 110ap. also remember that crusader actually grants 100 strength so if you have kings, or the correct talents that increase strength, it actually grants more than 200 ap. and it has a nice heal. berserking > crusader = 110 ap > 85 ap imo. all depends on if you like proc or static for crusader vs 110.
well, even if we assume 45% uptime for crusader (ie. 45str -> 90AP, if you want to compare a static) it is not as good as 110 static AP. and i dont hink that 45% is possible.

dunno, have to do some math later...
Bansil said:
well, even if we assume 45% uptime for crusader (ie. 45str -> 90AP, if you want to compare a static) it is not as good as 110 static AP. and i dont hink that 45% is possible.

dunno, have to do some math later...

Well according to wowwiki it has a 1ppm, 6.3% chance to proc per hit (on r14 2h). Ppm doesnt include specials though, thats just white hits. Taking into account specials (instants) you get upto about 2ppm... 15 second buff, roughly 50% uptime (while fighting).

Now assuming the average heal from it is 100 (75-125) thats 200 hp/minute or 16 hp5... My maths are probably off (its late, i been working) but that seems to be...

110 ap


100 ap 16 hp5.
i like crusader...it does seem to be up a lot, but not every time you need a heal or the ap. thats why ive grown to like static enchants, its just always there

the crusader can help in burst situations if you get it to proc exactly when you need it but honestly a lot of the time the proc is wasted (ex. procs on a killing blow and there's no other enemies around)

another thing to consider is that crusader is cheap (at least on my server - and at worst you can solo farm the mats) where as even 110AP will run a couple hundred gold.

also i think assuming a 50% up time is way too much. even 45% seems like a rosy picture. but idk, i'll let yall work out the maths
lvl 39 pally/warry reach a lil more than 30% uptime... i don't think a lvl 60 warry can make 50% out of that.

let's say 40% -> 40str, 80AP and falkor is right... some of it gets wasted.
well it would proc a bit more than a 39 just b/c higher lvls have more special attacks (MS, BLADESTORM - huge proccer of everything, and more) but no way a couple more attacks would push it to 50%, and like i said b4 it gets wasted a lot of times...but also like i said it is practically free (at least on my server - esp if you farm the mats), plus its the best for BoAs if you can get them/want them.
sulfuras isnt that bad to get, a lot easier than thunderfury imo. crafting the hammer would be expensive unless youre a miner/bs & have the plans. then you need to get the shit from rag which could take awhile
yes, farming rag is the downside^^

but if it ever drops, i'll craft this baby fo sure! (i'm in a classic guild, so maybe i have a lil luck)

atm i'm a bit stuck between SnB (24k+ honor) and the sword. same price, but i wont get the other choice for a while, cause i need the honor for the set.

without the set SnB/prot seems superior, as i'm squishy as hell. but bladestorm/ms is a huge bonus. dunno, maybe i just stick to prot for a while and use the sick SnB setup to tank some random instances for satchels.
prot is nice

i like MS at 60 tho...bladestorm and ms rocks, and lawlstorm always procs the execution talent for mucho burst. 24k honor isnt exactly hard to get, so just pick which ever you want to test first. also remember you can get the axe off c'thun which rapes face. too bad there's no naxx 40 for might of menethil - muahaha - that'd be the sex as fury
well, 5% on cthun...don't think it is viable to wait for it. think ill go with prot for the moment and get the gear rollin'

if the gear is up and runnin' i'll get the 2H sword and start to stoRRRRm my way through the DKs.

started with 1H sword + legs (was the best upgrade + includes hit). getting the weapon first is a nobrainer...maybe a setchel will help to upgrade some other slots.

still haven't decided the chant on 1H sword. zerker is out of reach atm, so i will play a few BGs and add what is missing, either dmg, healz or looks (deathfrost is still the best looking enchant).
deathfrost is weak, it was added from the winter boss back in BC and made as a cheap enchant. it procs fairly often, but its not the best
sure it is an inferior enchant...but when you count in the looks, it gains a LOT of kudos!

if i ever have the gold for a really good enchant loke zerker ill definately change it. may i will change it to sader soon...but atm im impressed by snowflakes^^

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