on my 49 warrior i used glyph of blocking, and revenge. for my 71 warrior i have no glyphs out of laziness and poorness (he's on a server where he's the highest toon, not my main server).
when i startd lvling my ex49 pally twink i had the BoA axe....messed with ice barbed for a bit, but BoA was better. then i bought the GM sword for shits & gigs, liked it and it actually lasted till 65 when BoA became outright better again. i used 110AP on the GM sword but you cant go wrong with berzerk or anything - just be aware that it IS replaceable, so consider how much gold you wanna sink into it.
berzerk > 110 ap > 85 ap > 70 ap > crusader > all else
i prefer static to procs - cept berzerkers proc is sexy ;]. i like the 110ap, but from what ive seen berzerker procs a lot and 400AP is nothing to sneeze at. crusader scales down after lvl 60, so it gets progressively worse where as 110 ap is always 110 ap, albeit with no heal. 25 hit/25 crit is nice, but meh. and no WAY i would use a slightly beefed up fiery weapon enchant, pah-lease
blood draining/lifeward would be semi feasible if you were going prot and only doing pve...imo they are not pvp enchants, and when you get 75+ its just not worth all the gold for a leveling weapon.