EU+US Level 80 WoD DPS BiS Lists

I was looking at your fury BIS list and I had a question. Why do you have so many crit/haste gems. Are the bonuses really worth going for and is haste that valuable for fury?
I was looking at your fury BIS list and I had a question. Why do you have so many crit/haste gems. Are the bonuses really worth going for and is haste that valuable for fury?

Ok, I had wrote something here before. Apparently after testing it was wrong too. The sim is accurate if you want the highest simming DPS.

Have a look at Twink BiS Simcraft Results/furyhaste.html I included stat weights on this one. As you can see, the real value between crit and haste is very close and strength is quite high valued. So if I were to do boots for example.

20 crit, 20 haste + 3 str = 598.93
40 crit = 560.8

PS. The difference in total DPS is negligible anyway, and it could be dependent on personal play. I personally would prefer to have more haste as I think it makes Fury play smoother. Kinda prefer playing in a full ICC set because of that.

PPS. This is another reason why I mentioned that I needed people to maybe look over these profiles a little. Questioning them is better than following them blindly. If anyone else has any potential fixes for any other class. I'd be happy to have a look at them to make these lists even more accurate.
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