US Level 80 Raiding. Horde.


<Safety Dance Disco> [H] US-Dalaran is looking for a few members to complete ICC 25.

Monday/Thursday 8-11 P.M. (EST)
We are looking for an off-tank, and a few DPS.

Don't hesitate to contact us in game if you are interested.
  • Kwoody#1593
  • Kymer#1599

A Little Bit About Us
Over a year ago, we came together and formed <Karazhan Chess Club> to relive the amazing memories and experiences we had of The Burning Crusade. After great success in Outlands, <Safety Dance Disco> splintered off to eagerly progress into the most popular World of Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. Since then, we've, relentlessly, taken Northrend by storm and we fully intend to finish the Wrath expansion in its entirety. And we would love to have you join us. So please contact us if you're interested or have further questions.

Check us out!
We do have rules on gear, enchants, etc. We've unlocked some vendor gear so it shouldn't be hard at all to be raid ready.
I don't have an active account right now so I can't participate. And anyways while I used to raid back then my schedule doesn't really allow me to make that kind of time commitment anymore. It sounds like fun though.

One thing. I checked out some members in armory and they were all in PvP gear. You let people raid with that? I realize that it's better now than it was without all the Resil. I just remember what would have happened if someone showed up in a Wrath PUG with PvP gear. It wasn't bad on my feral tank and I still had to convince my guildies I would be fine. Just seems weird.

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