EU+US Level 80 & 85 Soloing

I think others might be able to give better insight on the level 80 soloing, but I can say "Nope" for the 85 stuff. Your best bet would be to try going Guardian on your druid and trying LK 25H - you could potentially outheal the enrage for enough time to kill him.
Bumpy ride with a few solos on my "new" 85 paladin





Atramedes(as retri too :>)



can you still solo things as an lvl 80 prot pala or should i level to 85 ? and what class do the most dps at lvl 80 and 85?
Level 80 progress in 6.0 so far, with a little guide sharing what I've discovered on each boss after the squish:

Ruby Sanctum
- Mini Bosses 10N - Very easy for anyone. Can be done on 25 too (no enrage timers) but will just take a lot longer.
- Halion - Currently despawns in phase 2 if you're solo but should be doable on 10N (maybe heroic) if Corporeality doesn't bug out. 25N/H probably not possible.

Icecrown Citadel
- Marrowgar 25N - Too much health to beat the enrage, which hits fairly hard so you'll need to be a self-healing tank class. 25H requires a race that doesn't get Bone Spiked during Bone Storms (Goblin/Worgen/Panda) but is very unlikely due to the damage taken during the enrage. 10N/H are probably possible for all classes.
- Deathwhisper 10N - Easy. Normal should be possible for all classes and heroic for most too. The casters die within a few hits so you shouldn't have to deal with Curse of Torpor.
- Gunship 10N - Killed it in 6 seconds, no joke. 25H probably doable by anyone with a few 409s.
- Saurfang 10N - Requires sustainable absorbs to prevent him from healing, which also means you need to beat the enrage (so 25N/H not possible, 10H might be though).
- Rotface 25H - Enrage is fairly easy to survive. 10N/H should be easy for all classes.
- Festergut 10N - Only just killed him before getting the 10th stack (as Frost). 10H might be doable with very high DPS but apparently Vile Gas is unsquished.
- Putricide 10N - Easy again and 10H should be too. Hits very hard during enrage so 25N/H are unlikely.
- Blood Princes 25H - Enrage timer is beatable on 25H (it's tight though). Hits moderately hard during enrage, moreso if the caster is empowered. 10N/H should be easy for all classes. Shadow Prison is unsquished so minimize movement and let it drop off regularly.
- Blood Queen 25H - Took me 33 mins to kill her. Enrage hits moderately hard. Requires a pet to take the first bite (by being out of LoS) so you don't get mind-controlled. 10N should be doable by all classes, 10H will depend on DPS.
- Valithria Dreamwalker - Haven't tried yet but should be soloable by all healing classes on 10N/H. No idea about 25N/H.
- Sindragosa 10N - Easy with the exception of Chilled to the Bone not being squished, so don't take more than 2-3 stacks if you're a melee. 10H should also be possible and probably 25N/H too when the debuff is fixed.
- Lich King 10N - Had just over 2 mins left on the enrage as Frost (Blood now has trouble with Raging Spirits since Blood Boil and Death Coil can't be cast whilst silenced). Probably possible for most non-caster specs with decent self healing (transitions still hurt). Not sure about 10H yet due to the enrage timer but maybe that's survivable anyway. Also have a few ideas for 25N/H which I'll try soon.

Trial of the Crusader
- Northrend Beasts 10N - Fairly easy except the Impale stacks deal full (unsquished) damage after Gormok's corpse disappears, which is about 5 seconds before the worms become attackable. 10H should also be possible and likely 25N too when that debuff is fixed. Gave 25H a few tries but it was a clusterfuck which I don't think is survivable (maybe though).
- Jaraxxus 25N - Another fairly hard hitting enrage that requires a tank class with self-healing. Interrupt Fel Fireball whenever possible and have a cooldown ready if you can't. Should be easy on 10N/H for all classes and 25H is definitely doable but will require no screw ups for like 30+ mins of combat (you can't just ignore the portals).
- Faction Champions 10N - Not hard but requires some good burst/cc to kill the healers. 10H might be possible, just depends how much harder the healers are to kill. 25N/H... god no.
- Twin Val'kyr 10N - Easy but the Powering Up mechanic doesn't work. 10H will depend on whether you can break the shields or out-dps the healing. 25N/H not possible for the same reason.
- Anub'arak 10N - Medium difficulty. The only 2 things that stop it from being easy are both unsquished debuffs: the stacking DoT from the scarabs and Leeching Swarm in the last phase (meaning you also have to out-dps his healing). 10H is probably possible, maybe 25N/H too when the debuffs get fixed and if his healing isn't too much higher (and if the enrage is survivable)..

Onyxia's Lair
- Onyxia - Haven't tried yet but should be ridiculously easy since there's no enrage timer. Might take a while as a non-ranged class though.

- Flame Leviathan 25HM - Not too difficult but requires you to use all 5 demolishers. Spread them out so his Battering Ram doesn't hit more than 1 at a time and try not to get frozen by the beams. I had about 365 ilvl for this. All other difficulties should be a joke to solo.
- Razorscale - Haven't tried yet, still considering ideas for surviving the enrage on 25N.
- Ignis 25N - Hits quite hard during his enrage because of the stacking buff he gets from the adds but should be possible to kill him before it (I had 4% left as Blood). 10N will be very easy.
- XT 25N - Just a tank and spank fight with moderate to low damage after the enrage, most of it coming from the unsquished debuff "Searing Light". Should be possible to activate 10HM with dps cooldowns and 10N will just be a target dummy.
- Iron Council 25N - Beat the enrage by 20 seconds as Blood but doubt it would be hard to survive with Molgrim as the last boss standing. 10N will be a joke and 10HM should be possible unless I don't have enough dps to kill Steelbreaker before I dying to Meltdown.
- Kologarn 25N - Another easy boss. No idea how much time I had left on the enrage but with cleaves/multi-dotting it shouldn't be a problem. 10N will be no challenge at all.
- Auriaya 25N - Her Sonic Screech hits very hard after she enrages and the bleed from the adds will deal unsquished damage when they disappear (until it expires). 10N should be doable by any class unless surviving the bugged DoT is a problem.
- Hodir 25N - Took me 21.5 mins to kill him. Pretty easy to survive his enrage if you have frequent self-heals, just remember not to get frozen by Flash Freeze. Biting Cold is unsquished so keep moving to get rid of it. The dps check for 10HM should be possible and ofc 10N will be very easy.
- Thorim 10HM - Tried 25N/HM a few times (and could clear the tunnel quick enough to activate hardmode) but his stacking buff in phase 2 makes his enrage deal too much damage. 10N/HM are fairly easy, the hardest part being when you come back to an arena full of adds but they die fast if you have decent aoe.
- Freya 10HM - Her heal is unsquished so you need to out-dps 6k per second on 10man (24k per second on 25man) after killing the 6 waves of adds. Her enrage is easy to survive so she should be killable on 25N/HM if the heal is reduced.
- Mimiron 25HM - Killed with 4 seconds left on the enrage but likely would've been easy to survive as it's just pulsing aoe damage. Should be no problem on all other difficulties for every class, just don't stand in the Rocket Strikes.
- Vezax 25HM - Another long-past-the-enrage kill, this time just under 37 mins total. The enrage on 25man is easier to survive as he just spams his aoe if you don't interrupt him which deals ~1.5k damage (with the 98% reduction from ilvl) every 2-3 seconds. 10man shouldn't be an issue except for mana users.
- Yogg-Saron - Haven't tried yet, still debating which difficulty to attempt.
- Algalon - Wasn't going to try due to his debuff but recently thought of an idea for resetting it. 25man will be impossible (his enrage makes him despawn).

Obsidian Sanctum
- Sartharion 25+2d - The inactive drake was Shadron due to the immunity he grants to Sarth. This would have been very easy if it wasn't for the unsquished debuff "Twilight Torment", which deals a lot of damage whenever you attack. Probably soloable by all classes when that's fixed. Haven't done the numbers yet to figure out if the dps requirement for 10+3d will be reachable.

Eye of Eternity
- Malygos 25N - The debuff from his Arcane Breath is unsquished which nearly 1-shots me as frost with 30k hp. The damage from Vortex is also unsquished but can be survived without cooldowns (only just) if you have full hp when it starts. The second phase is easy but on 25man you'll need to sit and wait 30 minutes for his enrage to expire before killing the last add. The last phase is also easy (with 409s at least) if you get out of the Static Fields quickly and don't let your DoT and HoT drop off by using 1-1-2-3.

- Haven't been to Naxx yet but all the bosses should be easily soloable by any class on both difficulties, with the exception of Gluth (unless some significant abilities are unquished, which seems likely).
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Aelobin, how's the state of 80 dk soloing in 6.2?


I just soloed Onyxia 25 with my 80 DK, so that's possible.
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It seems like the latest patch has changed something about Black Temple. I've been running it on my 80DK for a while to farm the glaives and today the bosses seem to have a lot more health or my damage is a lot lower because it's taking way longer to finish the fights.
It seems like the latest patch has changed something about Black Temple. I've been running it on my 80DK for a while to farm the glaives and today the bosses seem to have a lot more health or my damage is a lot lower because it's taking way longer to finish the fights.
BT TW added a crap ton of raw HP to every Boss, even for normal.
I wonder, what is the state of level 80 soloing in 8.1? I was thinking about coming back to one of my 80 twinks to try to redo some of my old soloing achievements.
Also, why is this thread no longer pinned?
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because the whole solo aspect was nerfed years ago. the state of 80's and 85's have been crushed by blizzard
What a blast from the past though
What a blast from the past though
Right!, I copied aelo on so many builds for these solo runs, it was a lot of fun. Miss these days of twinking.

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