Math for slippers:
Slippers of the Seacaller
18 int
14 crit
40 haste (gems)
9 versa
4 sp
+2 crit, 9 versa, 2 sp, 8 haste
18 int
12 crit
32 haste (1 gem)
2 sp
+0.8 ilevel
So slippers give about 19 secondary stat and 2 primary, at BiS that adds about 1.25% to actual damage. The extra 0.8 ilevel levels at that point add about 1.66% / 1.64 (my current bonus from ilevel, obviously adding 1.66% to a multiplier of +64% is less than adding a new multiplier of 1.66%) = 1.01% damage. Thus the Slippers win out by a good 1/4 percent of damage.
@Onlydreams is there a reason to believe whole numbers instead of floats are used to calculate the actual damage bonus for ilevel? Or is that just an assumption on your part that it does, and an assumption on my part that it doesn't?
@Fx regarding sets, why have a line in there about sets if the bonuses don't apply? Good gear will always be good gear, I think it just adds some confusion to the equation to mention them when the set bonuses aren't in effect.
Sweet! Band of the Eternal Restorer is procing again that is awesome!! Can't wait to run double eternal rings! P.S. Can anyone confirm if it procs on Mage? It could be that it procs on Priests as a healing capable class but for w/e reason doesn't proc on Mage. I only ask because the last time I tested it the Ring would not proc for my mage.
@Fx I run simulations and test in real environments, with my setup I've soloed Kara, every heroic, and every LK dungeon I can enter. I can open out for 40k DPS~ As an example to why haste is better for frost mage it works like this: Mana is no concern so it's not a drawback. Haste is then at a base weight of 1.00 effectiveness (1% haste increases damage by 1% / (1 + CurrentHastePercentage). Ray of Frost is your biggest damage source by far and it has a ramp up effect, so the faster you tick the sooner you get to +200% damage this adds at least 10-25% to overall damage. Also just to toss it out since Heroism is a true multiplier to haste if you have say 50% haste then you gain 30% * 1.5 = 45% so that doesn't work against haste stacking either. Also you get more fingers of frost and the flurry procs, but each proc does less damage so that's mostly a wash besides increasing reliability with the NOTABLE exception of comboing 2 instead of 1 extra finger of frost proc from Ray of Water (water elemental power). Overall I decided to set Haste at a base weight of 1.2x base value. At level 70 it takes 14.04 haste for 1%, with the weight adjustment it's 14.04 / 1.2 = 11.7. Now at BiS you effectively have at least around 1k SP so 10 SP = 1%. It's really easy to see that 20 haste (1.70% damage) at least for a ways beats out 1.05% (it's 1.05 because gems give int not sp, and you get an extra 5%) damage. Now either direction you head decreases the value of that stat by growing it's multiplier, so eventually you hit a tipping point where you want to switch. In the case of Frost mage the tipping point happens to be just over 50% haste because it gets you exactly 20 ticks for ray of frost (which by the way brings the average damage per tick from +100% damage to +150%), after that magic number it takes SOO much more haste to get another tick it's just not worth it, and before that point you are close enough to another tick it is worth it.
@Onlydreams yes I meant Memento of Tyrande (ilevel 151, 23 int, with a 30% uptime proc that adds 90 versa (a multiplier that is almost untouched by my build and thus worth almost as much as haste or crit at BiS) which will nicely be in effect for ray of frost driving up damage when it matters most without triggering a trinket shared cooldown. (plus at the number of haste I have a haste proc like skull of gul'dan kind of sucks anyways do to exact tick counts.)
@Onlydreams breakpoints exist for haste because of Ray of Frost tick counts. There is no softcap though you are right since you can bring GCD below 1 second now, was very surprised by that!
By the way about the 24 crit gems, if you did prefer int there are 2x 12 int gems and 1 13 all stat gems you should pick up first, after that it might be worth it depending on other things in the build.
I have my own stat crunching program I wrote, it's fairly simple I put in the base stat weight adjustments and then it computes values and will even tell me how to reallocate stats to get the most out of everything. Now currently it doesn't do advanced simulation crafting like figuring out how mechanics will interact with each other, but that would take a ton more work.
My own weights with my gear are: Int 102 (@967), 56 Haste (@50.49%), 53 Crit (@17.66%), 53 Versa (@1.13%)
Now of course it doesn't know about breakpoints so I actually value Haste after the breakpoint as basically 20% less.
I imagine the error in Fx's weight math comes from not recomputing the weights based on his current stat numbers, or an improper evaluation of the effects each stat has and thus re-weighting the stat accordingly. If his stat weights were correct I would of course concede that int gems > secondary stat. The accuracy of the math and the simulation models are what determines which is better at the end of the day
P.S. Isn't 40 SP (Major Spellpower) just better than Mark of the Warsong?