Hello, since Chubakass' awesome spreadsheet hasn't been updated for quite some time and meta has changed a bit I decided to make another one that includes all good items (armor, weapons, trinkets).
I made an HTML version because I don't like google sheets and it also gives me more options. I tried to include all useful gear regardless of whether they're dungeon drops, quest rewards, BoEs, craftables etc. Legion/BFA green BoEs aren't included.
Wowhead tooltips are also available as well as a mobile layout.
I might've missed some items but there's a google form link on the main page which you can use to suggest an item to be added/removed or dm me/comment here. If anyone has any suggestions about the items, appearance, typos, etc. please say so

. I intend to update this regularly and keep it up to date. Also once Drustvar and Nazmir become lvl 20 zones I'll add those items as well.
Thanks to
@Chops for helping me on the 2H weapons,
@Andre on the agi weps and
@Peer for his massive trinket knowledge.
I hope this is useful to new players or even some experienced ones.
Here's the link: