MIght this also mean that Vol'Dun & SSV will be available to us...?Worst case you all get access to them in Dragonflight, when they change all BFA dungeon levels.
Yes, this has been confirmed.
Yes, I have an inside source.
MIght this also mean that Vol'Dun & SSV will be available to us...?
Havn't heard anything about it, but it's only logical that they would do that too, since they are trying to improve the new player experience with the dungeon change.
Are they just changing Manor and UnderRot - or the other non-heroics as well?
So voldun and stormsong-valley quests ?ALL normal mode BFA dungeons.
So not Mechagon, Siege of Boralus, Kings Rest. Cuz there is no normal mode for them.
So voldun and stormsong-valley quests ?
Havn't heard anything about it, but it's only logical that they would do that too, since they are trying to improve the new player experience with the dungeon change.
I just realised that makes monk/dh/rogue go up in the tier list by a whole level because of the underrot weapon. If they dont scale as lame as bfa trinkets then those are gonna be bis considering how much damage they used to deal in bfaALL normal mode BFA dungeons.
So not Mechagon, Siege of Boralus, Kings Rest. Cuz there is no normal mode for them.
I just realised that makes monk/dh/rogue go up in the tier list by a whole level because of the underrot weapon. If they dont scale as lame as bfa trinkets then those are gonna be bis considering how much damage they used to deal in bfa
Definitely would like to wear my ilv200 neck again.perhaps HOA level req gets dropped![]()
I hope thats an exaggeration, because ilv200 is SL era gear
Or deleted. Or otherwise made inoperable or obsolete.Perhaps if they are lowering levels for Voldun and SSV, perhaps HOA level req gets dropped![]()
The whole strenght of the underrot fist weapon is the fact that wearing both of them makes you proc it almost all the time so you keep 3 stacks permanentlyThe axe from waycrest doesn't do much, I can confirm that. It's decent, maybe worth losing secondaries, but not a meta definer.