I have to say reading through these messages has sure put a smile on my face.. I mean what is more ironic than Vianco having a signature calling someone stupid yet making several basic spelling errors? Please this is not a rhetorical question I am honestly looking for an example of something that is more ironic.. And the second point is that dramatized believes he is all big and clever bringing whatever I post off topic to something completely irrelevant, perhaps someone isn't the most skilled player in the world, perhaps they are just not great practically but in theory have it all there, you people seem to believe that your theories are completely correct as you have so called 'skill' *cough play bursty as fuck classes cough* and yes I have a hunter, had it since WOTLK just so happened that in cata they became op as fuck.. I did not re-roll like some others *cough vianco playing druid, dramatized making whatever class is op and just abusing them cough* Oh sorry there is some policy on no at comments right or something like that? Ahh well, lets hope you will read this before it gets deleted, if it ever does. Now let me explain again, no matter what you say a WW monk is incredibly op under the correct circumstance such as several healers which from when I played seemed to be the only way people would queue. Now I would like to thank Trial for sticking up to me and most of all thank my Mum for making all of this possible, without her I would never have been genetically capable of living.
P.S I weep for humanity when people in places of business have to put up with you guys, now don't even make me mention sexual partners/friends. If I was you I would wear a big bell which when rang screams 'Run I am a bellend!' Did you like that pun? I personally loved it.. Anyway back to the point, that would be the best way to keep humanity in check and let natural selection run it's course to prevent people like you from ever repopulating. Love Y'all