People actually trying to state that this bracket takes skill? The 19 bracket has always been about FOTM and gear, it will never be about skill.. There was a reason why everyone complained about Hunters back in cata and a reason why people don't like the burst of monks now.. and it wasn't because every single person who plays one of those classes is skilled.
People actually trying to state that this bracket takes skill? The 19 bracket has always been about FOTM and gear, it will never be about skill.. There was a reason why everyone complained about Hunters back in cata and a reason why people don't like the burst of monks now.. and it wasn't because every single person who plays one of those classes is skilled.
I'm sure he would have died to any decent druid.
how come ur fucking awful then, go away
lol luckiee .D::d.x.D:x..d:x.D:x:
best movie eu
I dont know.. all I saw was 500 hp monk killing a full hp resto druidyou are implying that he didn't die before that, aight, it's ok you have no clue about this game I can't teach you
go subscribe by 2007 vids ty
all I saw was 500 hp monk killing a full hp resto druid
I believe the funny part was him saying that this bracket requires no skill whatsoever..when he plays like he does..? his point was that monk's burst can be related to that of hunter's in Cata and 9 out of 10 players QQ about it 24/7 or rerolled hunters
nothing funny about that really
? his point was that monk's burst can be related to that of hunter's in Cata and 9 out of 10 players QQ about it 24/7 or rerolled hunters
nothing funny about that really
are you high? look at what I quoted
I believe the funny part was him saying that this bracket requires no skill whatsoever..when he plays like he does..
Additionally I'm preeeeeetty sure 9/10 people don't cry about monks' burst, and monks are no wear cata hunters, the only classes that are close to that is disc or druid...what class do you play again?
edit: typo
0% clue what's up with the hostility (tone)
Luckiee made two posts. One where he whined about WW Monks and one where he said 19 was no-skill. And the last one was the one I quoted.
I found it rather ironic that Luckiee out of all ppl would say that.
Do you understand?
I still disagree.. hunter singlehandedly had the best burst of everyone in cata whilst rogues, ferals, arc mages, fire mages, boomkins, destru locks, disc priests and argueably other classes aswell.he said monk's burst is comparable to hunter's burst in cata, I didn't say anyone qqs about monks I said he was relating monk to hunter
I still disagree.. hunter singlehandedly had the best burst of everyone in cata whilst rogues, ferals, arc mages, fire mages, boomkins, destru locks, disc priests and argueably other classes aswell.
A ww monk is bursty as hell, you literally have like 3 buttons and you can take someone down from 100% to 0% in seconds. Don't start saying that they're not op because any class with that much mobility and damage cannot be considered average.
They're not op
oshit i just did it
did you really think that they nerfed monks cause the dmg was too high at 19? lmao. monks on 5.2 ptr were waaaaay too good, and thats why the nerfed the dmg, obviously.Blizzard (the designer of this game) thought the numbers were too high so they nerfed them but I guess you know better than someone who made this game