Level 14 Twink - Guide

Hmmm Thanks saw it seconds after i posted it x)
For arena in the 15-19 bracket would a level 15 be competitive because of the better haste/crit ratios?

Also does any one know the formulas/ratios for low level conversion rates for stats such as haste?

Like how much haste% does 1 haste give at lvl 10, 14, 15, and 19? ect...
fables429 said:
For arena in the 15-19 bracket would a level 15 be competitive because of the better haste/crit ratios?

Also does any one know the formulas/ratios for low level conversion rates for stats such as haste?

Like how much haste% does 1 haste give at lvl 10, 14, 15, and 19? ect...

At level 15 the difference isn't very significant against 19s.
BrAiNsToRm said:
At level 15 the difference isn't very significant against 19s.

With Haste alone, no.

But with other stats, a 15 could be semi-competitive. I did the number crunching, and with Skinning/Mining/Herbalism you can come close to a good 19 rogue. Without maximized professions however, totally not worth it. All 15 twink gear would be is 14 twink gear with shoulders, since 15 bares almost nothing new as far as stats go. That being said, the shoulders do not make up for the loss of crit. With shoulders and the extra talent point in Malice, you still lose ~2.5% dodge and 4 - 6% crit, while gaining only the Glyph. Totally not worth it.
iaccidentallytwink said:
The difference is extremely minimal in almost all cases of 19 vs 14, so more AP and more crit on top of that AP = More damage than 10.

iaccidentallytwink said:
I don't believe that's ever happened...

I don't twink at lower levels to be sub-par.

I twink to prove that highest isn't best.

It's the opposite, I destroy 19's.

Is this information applicable to hunters as well?

Or would hunters suffer significantly due to not having glyphs and venomstrike.
Ultiknight said:
Is this information applicable to hunters as well?

Or would hunters suffer significantly due to not having glyphs and venomstrike.

Rogues get a really good weapon at level 10, whereas hunters get the staff which isn't as helpful for their class at 14, so you're better off going 10 twink with a hunter (although, not sure how effective it is either way without 450 Skinning).
Hrmms so if I am dead set on hunter then I am looking at:

1) Level 10 with Haste/100% crit combo. (Do I need to focus 100% on agi for this?)


2) Standard Level 19
Ultiknight said:
Hrmms so if I am dead set on hunter then I am looking at:

1) Level 10 with Haste/100% crit combo. (Do I need to focus 100% on agi for this?)


2) Standard Level 19

If you're dead set on hunter you should reroll in a new bracket IMO, 19s have enough.

On a more serious note. If you don't have 450 skinning, you'll need to skip haste and go for pure agi, 225 skinning, you could get ~75 - 80% crit (I think?). Or, go 19. Up to you.
I'll be updating this guide soon with 3.1 buffed items. Stay tuned if you're interested.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Rogues get a really good weapon at level 10, whereas hunters get the staff which isn't as helpful for their class at 14, so you're better off going 10 twink with a hunter (although, not sure how effective it is either way without 450 Skinning).

level 14 twink hunters are probably better than level 10 ones, but 19 hunters are better than level 14 ones. so if you're going to make an underleveled hunter, i would make it level 10 just to make people mad that they're being kited by a level 10 :)
I'll probably roll a 14 Rogue for the max/min of an underleveled twink.

I've been out of the twinking scene for a long while now but the idea of a 14 destroying 19s is VERY VERY tempting
Ultiknight said:
I'll probably roll a 14 Rogue for the max/min of an underleveled twink.

I've been out of the twinking scene for a long while now but the idea of a 14 destroying 19s is VERY VERY tempting

See my post about the level 10's destroying 19's-
I'm looking at Thirk's armory right now and you're missing enchants now. . . did they get stripped off or just an armory bug?
shanker said:
there is also a "rogues deck" that the inscribers make. doing the quest from this deck yields a random enchant chest piece that i have seen 10's wearing.

darkmoon vest of the bandiit version of this has 3 agi/3 stam/ 6 AP.

so far in the RUIN BG, i have seen 13 and below twinks. one thing i noticed with my 19 hunter or rogue is that i get no kill credits for them. hmmmm? time to QQ to blizz again. forgot how i get pissed when you have people in BGs and credit works in their favor only.

one 13 on my side one day (name? can't remember) had fishing hat/boots and some killer gear.

subteranean cape

wingblade (horde only)

chanting blade

and a green belt i have never seen on a lo-lvl 5stam/5agi (name?)

had a "fine leather tunic" 4agi/3stam with +4stats which is made by LW's.

speaking of over the top bonuses for lo-lvl twinks, along with 450 gathering being grandfathered. i saw this lvl-10 with 1900+hp, not even spec'd for stam. she is in RUIN bg also. BODEREK look that freak up. she was our flag carrier and holder. alliance couldn't kill her 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 1, etc. took 4-5+ players.

i've seen boderek quite a few times, her and Imtenirl are the best 10 twinks i've seen.
Holy hell...

That Imtenirl dude is a beast...

112% haste and 101% crit...

3.1 is going to ruin his day

wow call me noob but

this is the first time ive heared about 14 twinking

really intresting, i might go give it a shot :D

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