Level 14 Twink - Guide

This definately has peaked my interest. I've only played the 29 bracket. But destroying a 19 with a 14 sounds like good times. But wouldn't you miss a lot being a 19 is orange to you?
in battlegrounds, i believe that you do not miss according to level...everyone is at the same 'skill' i suppose you could say.

kind of like how if your weapon skill is 1/150 or w/e, you will still have the same weapon skill in BGs as a person with 150/150 weapon skill.

however, agility stacks better on level 14s because it increases dodge rating more per agility (scales as you level) so a 14 rogue twink's dodge should be pretty high.
How many Sundays does it take to get the 2 fishing gear items? I've never tried the tournament.
ghank said:
How many Sundays does it take to get the 2 fishing gear items? I've never tried the tournament.

depends on your luck.

you get 2 hours, there's a tastyfish pool that spawns every ~30-50 yards away from each other, and there's gankers and other people fishing. so you'll get around 50-150 tastyfish and depending on if you have people with you and/or if there are gankers around..that is if you're resilient.

i believe the drop rate for the rare fish is about 1 in 150 or something. so it can take months to get a fish you want, or 10 minutes.
Druiddroid said:
depends on your luck.

you get 2 hours, there's a tastyfish pool that spawns every ~30-50 yards away from each other, and there's gankers and other people fishing. so you'll get around 50-150 tastyfish and depending on if you have people with you and/or if there are gankers around..that is if you're resilient.

i believe the drop rate for the rare fish is about 1 in 150 or something. so it can take months to get a fish you want, or 10 minutes.

Ya I've heard tales of people getting the fish in the first 2 clicks right after another, and i've also heard people taking months and not having caught the fish. keeping in mind that you can catch multiples, i have a friend with 7 pairs of boots and still no hat, which can also happen.
ghank said:
This definately has peaked my interest. I've only played the 29 bracket. But destroying a 19 with a 14 sounds like good times. But wouldn't you miss a lot being a 19 is orange to you?

It's calculated at 0.1% extra miss per weapon skill.

Since 19's automatically are maxed in PvP (25 points higher than at 14), I miss 2.5% more, which is covered by my +10 hit (which is 11% at level 14)

ghank said:
You know of any ally 14 twinks? I'd like to armory them,

I don't actually, sorry.
Aren't the queue times really bad in arena for 14 twinks, while 19 twinks get much faster queue times? 19 twinks just seem to be the bigger community for arena.
i knew a level 28 twink warrior - it was imba in Arathi Bay... first place KB, first place everything

i was thinking of making a level 28 twink... but you can't use Deadman's hand... so i skipped

the element of surprise is very cool, usualy a level 28 in BG is an easy target... no one thinks he is a twink

i have a level 22 twink in my guild... an ex 19 twink... but he was really good because he had the 40 stamina pants + enchants... which are better than most of the level 29 common gear.

i have fought against level 20 twinks... usually i pwn them very easy... but this guys really know how to fight... they have experience... they know how to run, how to take cover near strong characters from their team - and you have a surprise when you hit them 2-5 times and they are not dead... huge HP
[quote name='Luka']How the fuck could a level 40 get enough money for enchants?[/QUOTE

you don't need a 70/80 to make money in this game. when my main was at 39, i had over 20000g and 3-4 twinks

lo-lvl players can make you your money. thru mining, fishing, herbing, and skining. any player (horde) can make the gold solo, in one week just outside orgimmar and the barrens.

mining - many 70/80's are lazy and new/old players who use $ to get gold, when they start a new player they want to powerlevel. on my server even with the gathering nerf, lo-level ore prices are thru the roof. on my server/auction house

copper ore 6-15G for 20

tin ore 9G-19G+ for 20, the other day it hit 45G for 20

silver ore 3-12G each (more toward the high side)

gold ore 10G each++++

herbing - lo level herbs have gone thru the roof. simple herbs like mageroyal, silverleaf, bruiseweed, etc. are in high demand now. you have 2 professions needing them now. mageroyal - used to get less tha 1-2G a stack. after wotlk, shot up to 30G++ for 20. now i still get 12-20G per 20.

skinning - kill and skin only what gives no XP. again...example of laziness and throwing gold around. light leather was in demand two days ago. i took my 19 twink and skinned some. i got 17G for each stack of 20. that lasted 2 days. then others started skinning and drove prices down to 1G for 20.

fishing - yes FISHING! you can beat the whole WOW game FISHING! if your horde it's really easy. in the barrens you have three oasis. you position a herber/miner at each oasis, you start at one fish the deviate fish schools/nodes till gone, then mine and herb what is right there and log to the next player at another oasis, repeat and repeat. once you get it down it goes fast. you are in a massive collect and sell all mode. deviate fish sell cooked or not. many of the goldsellers use a lvl-10 fishing bot at the forgotten oasis, i report them when i see it. you can catch deviates with out there being nodes, but it takes to longer. using the 3 player switch method you will out fish any 70-80 trying to ride on a epic mount from pool to pool.

Blizz has carried on fishing as a worthwhile money maker into BC and now WOTLK. deviate fish aren't the only money maker in WOW. check your auction house and look at some of the prices on WOTLK fish cooked and uncooked.

in our twink guild we have players with no main. we have them fish to 50+ them have them go to the forgotten pools in the barrens. a new 19 geared but not enchanted player we got 4 days ago, we sent him to the barrens with all the info above. since he has just that player he can only do one pool. we told him to kill nothing....run away or die...no XP. 2 days later, i see him...he has 15 agi to both his weapons, 9 stam on his bracers, and working on other stuff. he was happy, and even i was surprized to hear he was getting 44G for 20 uncooked deviates.

you also get chests when fishing, the items in those add up and are sellable too
there is also a "rogues deck" that the inscribers make. doing the quest from this deck yields a random enchant chest piece that i have seen 10's wearing.

darkmoon vest of the bandiit version of this has 3 agi/3 stam/ 6 AP.

so far in the RUIN BG, i have seen 13 and below twinks. one thing i noticed with my 19 hunter or rogue is that i get no kill credits for them. hmmmm? time to QQ to blizz again. forgot how i get pissed when you have people in BGs and credit works in their favor only.

one 13 on my side one day (name? can't remember) had fishing hat/boots and some killer gear.

subteranean cape

wingblade (horde only)

chanting blade

and a green belt i have never seen on a lo-lvl 5stam/5agi (name?)

had a "fine leather tunic" 4agi/3stam with +4stats which is made by LW's.

speaking of over the top bonuses for lo-lvl twinks, along with 450 gathering being grandfathered. i saw this lvl-10 with 1900+hp, not even spec'd for stam. she is in RUIN bg also. BODEREK look that freak up. she was our flag carrier and holder. alliance couldn't kill her 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 1, etc. took 4-5+ players.
i never consider people bad when they have 1000+ life in a BG

there is 3 classes for me in a BG

considering that i am in the middle category.

< 1000hp = Not twinked easy kill

1001 - 1600 = semi twinked, might give me a hard time

> 1601 = fully twinked, will best me if well played.

first thing i look in my BG is my group, when i see lower then level 19 in my bracket, i am always looking at their life to see which class they are, and by those i can actually say if its going to be a hard game or not. since the game checks for gears now in BG i've been fighting semi twinks all day longs. so games have gone thru the roof, there is no more Queues in my battlegroup. might happen but its rare.

back on the subject...

yeah level 14 could best us... but i doubt it to be always...

at 14 there is no glyph availlables, you're missing a few abilities and you're missing a few points that your class gives you each levels. 5 levels difference is like 10 agility on a hunter such as myself. in the end i end up with 10agi more then you. i end up having a 5 stam more too. so even thought your stats gives you a lot... those points we get each levels makes the difference you're saying not too great.

but it still is a great guide for 14 twinks and i always wondered why would someone makes a 14 twink to begin with. i understood the 10 level but not the 14. now i know why, thanks to you !
I notice that when you were comparing 14 to 10 and 19 you mentioned that you could get 100% crit and haste on a mage. What can you get a spell reduced down to, I may just do it for shits and giggles.. like I may just only enchant haste for fun.
shanker said:
there is also a "rogues deck" that the inscribers make. doing the quest from this deck yields a random enchant chest piece that i have seen 10's wearing.

darkmoon vest of the bandiit version of this has 3 agi/3 stam/ 6 AP.

so far in the RUIN BG, i have seen 13 and below twinks. one thing i noticed with my 19 hunter or rogue is that i get no kill credits for them. hmmmm? time to QQ to blizz again. forgot how i get pissed when you have people in BGs and credit works in their favor only.

one 13 on my side one day (name? can't remember) had fishing hat/boots and some killer gear.

subteranean cape

wingblade (horde only)

chanting blade

and a green belt i have never seen on a lo-lvl 5stam/5agi (name?)

had a "fine leather tunic" 4agi/3stam with +4stats which is made by LW's.

speaking of over the top bonuses for lo-lvl twinks, along with 450 gathering being grandfathered. i saw this lvl-10 with 1900+hp, not even spec'd for stam. she is in RUIN bg also. BODEREK look that freak up. she was our flag carrier and holder. alliance couldn't kill her 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 1, etc. took 4-5+ players.

Unless this was with the Mining bug, that amount of HP at 10 is impossible without going for stamina, or at the very least balance.
Ah skills? x)
Well Druiddroid what is the anme of iaccidentallytwink's 14 twink?

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