Level 10s: Serious?

Falkor said:
dodge was nerfed b/c high level rogues were doing it and tanking raid/world bosses. blizz didnt do it b/c 19s.

blizzard intentionally BUFFED resil b/c it was underwhelming at high levels. they arent going to nerf it b/c this change made 10s stacking resil a lot harder to kill and makes 19s cry

whining 19s do not qualify as "really broken", since it was broken before and they "fixed" it; broken at level cap that is, which is what they focus on.

so the only fix would be to adjust their formulas so that it doesnt scale so well at low levels...and i doubt they're going to put in the extra work when, as another person said, this problem fixes itself as soon as they hit 11 (or higher, but still you get the idea)

wonderfully said.

Llare said:
No. If everyone made level 10s, then nothing would die. If that's your idea of fun then god help us all.

You are the plague that's destroying this poorly defined bracket.

Please don't tell me you think level 10s are harder to play than 19s. They're just OP dumbed down versions of their 19 selves. They bring unkillable cretins to the bracket, that can't do any damage. Please quit.

first off, dont be a dick lol.

secondly, no one expects there to be full games of 10s. but seeing games with 3,4 or 5? Thats not so bad. they arent invincible. dodge is negated from casters? no one argued that it was harder to play, but from experience, i enjoy playing it much more than my 19s. dont get pissed cuz u cant down a 10 with 500hp bruh.

and bro, on the damage....you clearly dont pay attention. most of these 10s have Wingblade MH and a boa OH, matched with 45-60% crit and 22% hit (well over capped for hitting 19s). they do JUST AS MUCH damage with constant crits and near 0 misses. gf tho bro. you sure studied up
Stabbedurazz said:
honestly blizzard has way more important things to worry about than the fact that level 10's can mitigate a lot of dmg in pvp. Right now there are a TON of bugs, to much dmg, to little health, so many problems in the game atm that they really dont need to worry about level 10's being op because at level 11 the problem is fixed, the fact of the matter is that until this starts to effect games out of the twink bracket it will stay near the bottom of their "wow this game is fucked up, what can we do to fix it" list

Pretty much this. Dont expect resil to get fixed anytime soon, which means all the children who cant win normally can finally 'contribute' to some wins. There is literally one situation where this resil 'problem' is noticable, and thats in 10-19 xp off bgs. That is such a small niche of players that its safe to say itll be a while before Blizz gets around to fixing it. I would expect the damage nerfs to come in in the near future though. My guess would be theyd remove the 30% ambush damage increase from Shadowstep
Lolnova said:
first off, dont be a dick lol.

secondly, no one expects there to be full games of 10s. but seeing games with 3,4 or 5? Thats not so bad. they arent invincible. dodge is negated from casters? no one argued that it was harder to play, but from experience, i enjoy playing it much more than my 19s. dont get pissed cuz u cant down a 10 with 500hp bruh.

and bro, on the damage....you clearly dont pay attention. most of these 10s have Wingblade MH and a boa OH, matched with 45-60% crit and 22% hit (well over capped for hitting 19s). they do JUST AS MUCH damage with constant crits and near 0 misses. gf tho bro. you sure studied up

All we have left is WSG. Why ruin it with team mates that contribute nothing to team play.
no its not, we have another bg coming. and 10s contribute more than mid camping 19s. all ive seen so far are 10 FCs/healers and some support. All the GOOD 10s that you see are objectively playing people.

why arent you complaining about the OP 19 rogues camping mid? i feel those are more aggravating than not being able to kill a 10?
I think someone should compile a list of all the people who have level 10s. Find out which of those are abusing the resil bug, then compile a list of all of their 19s. When the bug finally gets fixed, we 'remind' them of how much of a douche they were when they werent showing regards to the bracket, and graveyard camp them mercilessly when they enter bgs
I agree with you. This is exactly what I wrote about a few weeks ago. Some of the people who play twinks are the biggest whiners. You can bet he is currently harassing Blizzard right now with tickets. That is what caused us to lose all of our leg enchants, profession buffs e.t.c. Twinks like that who made a nusance of themselves by whining to Blizzard with tickets and flooding the official forums. Blizzard decided to clamp down on all twinks after that.

Oh shut your face. Leg enchants and profession buffs aren't even remotely as game breaking as level 10's.
Lolnova said:
no its not, we have another bg coming. and 10s contribute more than mid camping 19s. all ive seen so far are 10 FCs/healers and some support. All the GOOD 10s that you see are objectively playing people.

why arent you complaining about the OP 19 rogues camping mid? i feel those are more aggravating than not being able to kill a 10?

BG = the same as WSG. You don't get good level 10s anymore. They're all the same; devolved in the cesspool of OP. Rogue's actually do damage, meaning back and forth between Teams can happen. With 10s, it's everyone in mid, staying in mid. Infact rogue's are the only thing keeping this bracket alive. They're the only thing that can kill Holy Paladins, and 10s, occasionally.
Falaris said:
I think someone should compile a list of all the people who have level 10s. Find out which of those are abusing the resil bug, then compile a list of all of their 19s. When the bug finally gets fixed, we 'remind' them of how much of a douche they were when they werent showing regards to the bracket, and graveyard camp them mercilessly when they enter bgs

it is not a bug.

resilience was buffed by blizzard and due to the buff, and how well stats scale to low lvl toons, they can mitigate a lot of damage.

read more patch notes, qq less

plus lets be honest here, even mitigating 50% damage, a 19 twink sub rogue (or better yet, multiple) should still lolSSambush wtfpwn them.

p.s 19s saying 10s take no skill makes me lol
Falkor said:
it is not a bug.

resilience was buffed by blizzard and due to the buff, and how well stats scale to low lvl toons, they can mitigate a lot of damage.

read more patch notes, qq less

plus lets be honest here, even mitigating 50% damage, a 19 twink sub rogue (or better yet, multiple) should still lolSSambush wtfpwn them.

p.s 19s saying 10s take no skill makes me lol

You should probably make sure youre 100% on your game mechanics before you call me out about.... game mechanics. Its a bug, learn the game, QQ less, etc etc
Falaris said:
You should probably make sure youre 100% on your game mechanics before you call me out about.... game mechanics. Its a bug, learn the game, QQ less, etc etc

funny, you're calling someone out on "game mechanics" when you yourself cant differenciate a bug from a buff. A bug would be leg enchants, librams, shoulder enchants.

and to the fail who said we should take a list of 19s who make 10s and camp them....its not 10s ruining this bracket, its your useless hatred for people who do something different that ruins this bracket. go play runescape you preadolescent cry baby lol.
I had a nice long chat with a GM today about another matter. At the end I brought up the level 10 resilience issue. He assured me (as much as a GM can) that Bliz was working balance issues and that he would make sure this got addressed before CATA. You can pooh-pooh how much impact a GM can have, but it's pretty clear to me this is a NO BRAINER.

As for linking this with Rogue DPS - I am not sure I get the connection. It's been stated in several posts here that rogues cannot take out mail wearers in the 19 bracket. They obviously can do a ton of hurt on cloth and leather wearers. That tells me their damage is close to where it should be.

Eliot - you play a Horde pally - right? Can a rouge take you out?
Lolnova said:
funny, you're calling someone out on "game mechanics" when you yourself cant differenciate a bug from a buff. A bug would be leg enchants, librams, shoulder enchants.

and to the fail who said we should take a list of 19s who make 10s and camp them....its not 10s ruining this bracket, its your useless hatred for people who do something different that ruins this bracket. go play runescape you preadolescent cry baby lol.

Funny, you dont even know why your precious level 10 is more powerful to begin with. Here's a tip for you child: Resil currently doesnt have diminishing effects against higher level targets, thats the whole reason you have 95% DR vs level 19 characters. That is a BUG, not a buff.
Scrounger said:
I had a nice long chat with a GM today about another matter. At the end I brought up the level 10 resilience issue. He assured me (as much as a GM can) that Bliz was working balance issues and that he would make sure this got addressed before CATA. You can pooh-pooh how much impact a GM can have, but it's pretty clear to me this is a NO BRAINER.

As for linking this with Rogue DPS - I am not sure I get the connection. It's been stated in several posts here that rogues cannot take out mail wearers in the 19 bracket. They obviously can do a ton of hurt on cloth and leather wearers. That tells me their damage is close to where it should be.

Eliot - you play a Horde pally - right? Can a rouge take you out?

In all fairness a rogue should not be "taking out" a mail+shield wielding healer class. Healers>Rogues>Squishy Casters>Healers; it's how it should be in retrospect, just damage's a little off proportion.

Edit: didn't read. I agree, basically.
Falaris said:
Funny, you dont even know why your precious level 10 is more powerful to begin with. Here's a tip for you child: Resil currently doesnt have diminishing effects against higher level targets, thats the whole reason you have 95% DR vs level 19 characters. That is a BUG, not a buff.

except resilience isnt supposed to have a diminishing effect. goodfight though, i honestly for a second thought u had me, and then i remembered my brayne work't. haha... you said "child". Living at your moms house negates the fact that you may be a legal adult at the age of 18 my truely confuzzled and angry little buddy.

your turn

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