Level 10s: Serious?

Falkor said:
dodge was nerfed b/c high level rogues were doing it and tanking raid/world bosses. blizz didnt do it b/c 19s.

Yeah thats why they made every level below 35 have their dodge rating scale as if they were 35 huh? cause it affected lvl 70s so much? dude dont even try to explain things you know nothing about

Falkor said:
im not a programmer and really couldnt tell you if it's feasible, or rather possible, for them to tweak their formulas for a specific few levels. but i highly doubt they will. especially b/c a bunch of qq 19s cant handle it

Yet againt you fail to understand the point... the point is not that level 19's thinks its OP or something, its that this accidently happend when resilience for higher levels was supposed to change, and its obviously a bug when level 19's cant kill level 10's. Thats not QQing, thats just wanting alittle fairness to something that doesnt make any sense. And of course it will change, no doubt about it lol
Let's not forget that lvl 19 Dodge rogues got one of the avoidance talents moved deeper into Combat, still within reach of Endgame "Hit Immune" rogues but out of reach of lvl 19 Dodge Rogues.

*Was one of those Endgame hit immune rogues*

That being said, I think that 19 Rogues trying to kill a lvl 10 Resilience twink actually see a total of 75%+ damage reduction on their physical hits like Ambush because of armor.
Whizz said:
Yeah thats why they made every level below 35 have their dodge rating scale as if they were 35 huh? cause it affected lvl 70s so much? dude dont even try to explain things you know nothing about

the change did affect 70s though as they (aka rogues) were no longer able to take hit off a mobs attack table (cept for when evasion was up perhaps). point is the change was based off "abuse" of mechanics at level cap, but they also tied up how it was being "abused" at low levels, it wasnt directly a fix for 10s/19s; it was intended for end game but had sweeping changes for all levels b/c the way agi/dodge was scaling was unreal no matter what your lvl...its not that they dont bother with low levels, but the majority of the game is based off how blizz wants to balance it around end game

Whizz said:
Yet againt you fail to understand the point... the point is not that level 19's thinks its OP or something, its that this accidently happend when resilience for higher levels was supposed to change, and its obviously a bug when level 19's cant kill level 10's. Thats not QQing, thats just wanting alittle fairness to something that doesnt make any sense. And of course it will change, no doubt about it lol

this wasn't an accident. effects of resil were buffed on purpose. the scaling is obviously wonky for low lvls, but that's just how their current formulas work


it's obviously not a bug though. it's obviously just imbalanced scaling...and if the QQ is great enough, and it's feasible to fix, im sure they'll fix it. but im also sure it isn't very high on their list of stuff to do when they just released a major patch and there is a ton of rebalancing and maintenance to be done still

furthermore there is a ton of qq over the fact you big strong 19s cant kill a 10. i feel for ya ='[ not. but hey, feel free to keep wasting GMs times when they could be helping people with more legit needs or spam the official forums, i mean do whatever you think will get this changed faster..id love to see it happen soon but i just see it happening soon (tm)
Whizz said:
Yet against you fail to understand the point... the point is not that level 19's thinks its OP or something, its that this accidentally happened when resilience for higher levels was supposed to change, and its obviously a bug when level 19's cant kill level 10's. Thats not QQing, that's just wanting a little fairness to something that doesn't make any sense. And of course it will change, no doubt about it lol

Spelling errors everywhere!

On a more on topic note. This didn't accidentally happen. Its like when the [item]Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat[/item] first came out. It had no level requirement. The first time I saw it on a level 19 hunter (edit - looks like that 19 hunter can use this again). I nearly cried because of how over powered it was. Now, everyone at any level has the freaking opportunity to stack resilience. There are more than enough BoAs and Enchants to do this.

This is not obviously a bug, however; this is probably not how Blizzard intended resilience to be used. This is just like way back in the vanilla and BC days when dodge / defense rating could be used to get 100% dodge and 100% dodge / block / parry (on warriors and paladins having more than 33% of the above). Maybe even in extreme cases where the multi-man mammoth had health and made it easy mode for people to get Explorer's Title on lowbies?

Fairness? Don't even get me started on this... Rogues one shotting everything? Is this really fair? How about that 35 haste on a level 10 feral druid with 30 haste be default is going do probably do more white damage than a level 19 can within 20 seconds?

This game will never be balanced at low levels without completely screwing with level 80s / 85s. This game will never be balanced at max level without completely screwing with all the low levels.
Few months back, i remembe dueling 19s on my 10lvl rogue twink name Stungy, People said i suck and 10 rogue is not viable anymore like it was in tbc. BUT now when it's viable again with all dodge and resi all want nerf it becouse we kick 19s ass?!
CIHC said:
On a more on topic note. This didn't accidentally happen. however; this is probably not how Blizzard intended resilience to be used.

Thats exactly what I said? whats the difference between not doing something on purpose and doing it accidentally

CIHC said:
Fairness? Don't even get me started on this... Rogues one shotting everything? Is this really fair?

If you get one-shot by a rogue then that says more about you than it does about rogues, Im a clothie myself and I dont have any problems with getting one-shot, and no before you come up with some clever U JUST PLAYZ WITH DEM NOOB ROGUZ, Ive met some good geared rogues too. You're probably just not keeping up ;)
Whizz said:
If you get one-shot by a rogue then that says more about you than it does about rogues, Im a clothie myself and I dont have any problems with getting one-shot, and no before you come up with some clever U JUST PLAYZ WITH DEM NOOB ROGUZ, Ive met some good geared rogues too. You're probably just not keeping up ;)

Edited cause Whizz is right, oh lawd :3
at least i cant get 1 hit by those op sub rogues =) when they get nerfed, ill be more than happy to move back onto my 19s. infact, ive already got a new one in the makes for when resil is readjusted. people with 10s just wanna have a little fun before theyre nerfed. accept it and move on. if it realy twists your panties, dont play for a month? this bracket has seen back n forth frustrations revolving around blizzard updates, it happens, move on. i understand your frustration, and to a point i care. however this toon is for ME to enjoy for a short period, so i intend to. besides, most of the "real" 10s have had their 10s since before this patch and before we knew anything about this patch. dont wanna hear qqs now.
Stunggix said:
Few months back, i remembe dueling 19s on my 10lvl rogue twink name Stungy, People said i suck and 10 rogue is not viable anymore like it was in tbc. BUT now when it's viable again with all dodge and resi all want nerf it becouse we kick 19s ass?!

Pre patch it had a skill requirement. Now there's nothing.
Grabco said:
I agree with this

Would prefer the unkillable shit out of the way before we lose the damage in this bracket. 10s and Holy Pals need the nerf bat alot more.
Llare said:
Would prefer the unkillable shit out of the way before we lose the damage in this bracket. 10s and Holy Pals need the nerf bat alot more.

Hpalas need a nerf more than Rogues? You have got to be shitting me. It's the only thing beside the ridiculous lvl 10 resi twinks, that keeps rogues from dominating everything. Besides, if cloth DPS had more survival (survival abilities, and less damage from sources like rogues) healers such as paladin would die a lot easier. Since they just burst through the main defense, armor.

I believe I already showed this in a movie?

Best regards,
Mmm, if 10s don't enter BGs, we might actually get some Mages in capable of disabling Holy Paladins. Then I'd agree with Rogue Nerfs.

I wouldn't mind nerfing to go 10>Rogue>Holy Pal. I played Holy paladin before 4.0, and the changes/e-zmoed appalls me. I want them to be sub-par again, so I can feel like a speckl ickle boi.

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