Level 10s: Serious?


What is the likely hood of level 10s becoming the more played level from now on in the 10-19 bracket?

Who thinks it will actually stay this way?

If it does I will never play 19s again.

who the hell thinks its gonna stay like this forever, sure the generic answer from believers "blizzard dont care about lowlevel bgs" etc etc but they do. Thats why they keep taking away our toys, as soon as they realise just exactly how messed up it is with resilience scaling at low level its gonna get changed of course. It might take until a while after cataclysm since they seem to have their hands busy un-fucking every class in every bracket at the moment. But when things start settling down of course they're gonna change things like this. So enjoy your level 10's til cata for all I care, I on the other hand will never make a level 10.
The real question is: how long until it gets fixed? The answer will likely depend on how well we can make the issue known to Blizz by e-mail, on the forums, and on the various WoW sites that we frequent.

I hope this does not get fixed until rogues damage gets fixed.
honestly blizzard has way more important things to worry about than the fact that level 10's can mitigate a lot of dmg in pvp. Right now there are a TON of bugs, to much dmg, to little health, so many problems in the game atm that they really dont need to worry about level 10's being op because at level 11 the problem is fixed, the fact of the matter is that until this starts to effect games out of the twink bracket it will stay near the bottom of their "wow this game is fucked up, what can we do to fix it" list
Stabbedurazz said:
honestly blizzard has way more important things to worry about than the fact that level 10's can mitigate a lot of dmg in pvp. Right now there are a TON of bugs, to much dmg, to little health, so many problems in the game atm that they really dont need to worry about level 10's being op because at level 11 the problem is fixed, the fact of the matter is that until this starts to effect games out of the twink bracket it will stay near the bottom of their "wow this game is fucked up, what can we do to fix it" list

QUICK... lets all go make lvl tens in xp on bracket!!!
they already BUFFED resil because it was lackluster at 80...once cata comes out and people hit 85 it will most likely be readjusted, maaaybe. and the scaling is already in place, they arent going to adjust how it scales just b/c 19s qq about 10s b/c that would affect everybody, including 80s
Falkor said:
and the scaling is already in place, they arent going to adjust how it scales just b/c 19s qq about 10s b/c that would affect everybody, including 80s

Hahaha Im sooo hoping you're not serious, you honestly believe they cant change how it scales at a couple of levels without effecting every other level between 11 and 80? remind me again how we lost all that dodge rating, cause I dont remember all high level rogues losing it too ;/
did you have a high lvl rogue back in BC?

they lost a ton of dodge b/c with high gear lvls at 70 rogues were able to tank due to being unhittable thanks to dodge. and the scaling was so good that at 10 or 19 or w/e rogues could also cap dodge rating and become unhittable (from the front ofc); thus they nerfed it and neither 70s or 10/19s could do it again

im not a programmer and really couldnt tell you if it's feasible, or rather possible, for them to tweak their formulas for a specific few levels. but i highly doubt they will. especially b/c a bunch of qq 19s cant handle it
Inkobah said:
The real question is: how long until it gets fixed? The answer will likely depend on how well we can make the issue known to Blizz by e-mail, on the forums, and on the various WoW sites that we frequent.


as a twink yourself you would actually bitch to blizzard about other people being able to use lower level toons to beat you? wtf was the original reason for a twink? just because you choose NOT to make a 10 and enjoy the tons of fun that it brings is your fault lol.

if its not one thing, its another with you guys. wah wah wah
Falkor said:
did you have a high lvl rogue back in BC?

they lost a ton of dodge b/c with high gear lvls at 70 rogues were able to tank due to being unhittable thanks to dodge. and the scaling was so good that at 10 or 19 or w/e rogues could also cap dodge rating and become unhittable (from the front ofc); thus they nerfed it and neither 70s or 10/19s could do it again

im not a programmer and really couldnt tell you if it's feasible, or rather possible, for them to tweak their formulas for a specific few levels. but i highly doubt they will. especially b/c a bunch of qq 19s cant handle it

well, lets consider your first point: dodge rating. People used to stack it so they were unhittable from the front. Now all characters have their dodge scale as though they were level 35.

Point is: it got changed.

Why wouldn't blizz do this for resil as well?

regardless of what people say, blizz does care about pvp at low levels. that said, they only care enough to change really broken things, which (imo) this resil situation qualifies as.

Might as well roll a 10 and enjoy it while it lasts. People in the future will say stuff like:"lol remember when we rolled those resil twinks? that was fun shit" i've never heard anyone talk about how cool it was to not hop on a FotM twink and mess around.
Lolnova said:
as a twink yourself you would actually bitch to blizzard about other people being able to use lower level toons to beat you? wtf was the original reason for a twink? just because you choose NOT to make a 10 and enjoy the tons of fun that it brings is your fault lol.

if its not one thing, its another with you guys. wah wah wah

I agree with you. This is exactly what I wrote about a few weeks ago. Some of the people who play twinks are the biggest whiners. You can bet he is currently harassing Blizzard right now with tickets. That is what caused us to lose all of our leg enchants, profession buffs e.t.c. Twinks like that who made a nusance of themselves by whining to Blizzard with tickets and flooding the official forums. Blizzard decided to clamp down on all twinks after that.
you know, if you guys would just try to roll one, i honestly think your opinion would change. and if 10s ARE for some reason demolished when Cata comes, so be it. we rolled them in FULL knowledge that cata may destroy them. its just tooooo muuuuuch fun! lol TRY IT before you bash it.

and quit tryin to bash the 10s

1.) theyre 19 twinks just like you on an alt

2.) u cant win 1v1 :)
Grunge said:
well, lets consider your first point: dodge rating. People used to stack it so they were unhittable from the front. Now all characters have their dodge scale as though they were level 35.

Point is: it got changed.

Why wouldn't blizz do this for resil as well?

regardless of what people say, blizz does care about pvp at low levels. that said, they only care enough to change really broken things, which (imo) this resil situation qualifies as.

dodge was nerfed b/c high level rogues were doing it and tanking raid/world bosses. blizz didnt do it b/c 19s.

blizzard intentionally BUFFED resil b/c it was underwhelming at high levels. they arent going to nerf it b/c this change made 10s stacking resil a lot harder to kill and makes 19s cry

whining 19s do not qualify as "really broken", since it was broken before and they "fixed" it; broken at level cap that is, which is what they focus on.

so the only fix would be to adjust their formulas so that it doesnt scale so well at low levels...and i doubt they're going to put in the extra work when, as another person said, this problem fixes itself as soon as they hit 11 (or higher, but still you get the idea)
Lolnova said:
you know, if you guys would just try to roll one, i honestly think your opinion would change. and if 10s ARE for some reason demolished when Cata comes, so be it. we rolled them in FULL knowledge that cata may destroy them. its just tooooo muuuuuch fun! lol TRY IT before you bash it.

and quit tryin to bash the 10s

1.) theyre 19 twinks just like you on an alt

2.) u cant win 1v1 :)

No. If everyone made level 10s, then nothing would die. If that's your idea of fun then god help us all.

You are the plague that's destroying this poorly defined bracket.

Please don't tell me you think level 10s are harder to play than 19s. They're just OP dumbed down versions of their 19 selves. They bring unkillable cretins to the bracket, that can't do any damage. Please quit.

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