Level 10 paladins . . . Best FC in wsg?

Level 10 Paladins – new best FC?

Calculations are not necessarily accurate – I’m just taking data from several places – including my 10 pally (not fully geared)

1. Resilience. 23 Resilience from: Formal Dangui (15 resil enchant), Stockade Pauldrons (3 resil), Inherited Insignia H/A (4 resil), Blessed Hammer of Grace (1 resil)

23 resilience = 55.47% damage reduction at lvl 10

2. Armor = approx 50% less damage taken

3. 5 Block (lvl 8 shield of blocking) = around 8% ---> add 10 block rating . . . OP

4. Self heal :)

5. Dodge - 12 dodge to cloak and 5 to bracers = around an extra 22%

. . . and I am sure there is more . . .

Very, interesting.
depends on wether or not there will be a resil cap at low level. if not, look out.
Ioerror said:
Level 10 Paladins – new best FC?

Calculations are not necessarily accurate – I’m just taking data from several places – including my 10 pally (not fully geared)

1. Resilience. 23 Resilience from: Formal Dangui (20 resil enchant), Stockade Pauldrons (3 resil), Inherited Insignia H/A (4 resil), Blessed Hammer of Grace (1 resil)

23 resilience = 55.47% damage reduction at lvl 10

2. Armor = approx 50% less damage taken

3. 5 Block (lvl 8 shield of blocking) = around 8% ---> add 10 block rating . . . OP

4. Self heal :)

5. Dodge - 12 dodge to cloak and 5 to bracers = around an extra 22%

. . . and I am sure there is more . . .

This is one of the reasons I love this site, people thinking outside the box. I would like to echo what eliot says "interesting" in the games I've been in so far it's all about mitigating rogue damage resto shamans, H pallies and high armor classes can withstand the crits.
Level 10s will never be good in premades, period. Before jumping to conclusions like this you should look at what you're losing rather then what you're gaining. You would be losing a countless amount of moves offensively and defensively, talent points, health. Not to mention all 19s will be hit capped on you and Rogues will always get an opener on you because you'll never catch them in stealth.

Yeah, we won't hit you as hard as a 19 Druid, but you won't be able to get away so we'll lean into you so hard you wouldn't make it past a quarter of the field with a full team.

Feel free to argue, but face the facts, there will never be a guild that uses a level 10 in a premade; if they do, they will lose.
Pizza said:
Level 10s will never be good in premades, period. Before jumping to conclusions like this you should look at what your losing rather then what you're gaining. You would be losing a countless amount of moves offensively and defensively, talent points, health. Not to mention all 19s will be hit capped on you and Rogues will always get an opener on you because you'll never catch them in stealth.

Yeah, we won't hit you as hard as a 19 Druid, but you won't be able to get away so we'll lean into you so hard you wouldn't make it past a quarter of the field with a full team.

Feel free to argue, but face the facts, there will never be a guild that uses a level 10 in a premade; if they do, they will lose.

What Pizza said is correct, if you roll with lvl 10s you will lose. But I dont think druids are the same FCs they once were. Seeing your fc get 2 shotted is a bit concerning.
I firmly believe its the player that makes the character, not the other way around.

if resil doesn't get capped, id be very interested to see how 10's do on the premading scene in cata.
I like the idea of this, but I have a few questions first.

What is the max hit points a human paladin with dual agm and fishing hat will have, assuming max stam enchants.

How does SP effect paladin heals? will you have enough SP to full heal with a single holy shock, or will it take word of glory also.

You have no casted heals, so you would be out of luck there.

Mining racial and skinning sounds good, skinning for the large chance to crit holy shock, or word. I think the extra crit would be better then a one time 120 heal every 3 minutes from lifeblood.

How much does a rogue do to you? if they can still one shot, or 2 rogues insta gib you, it will not work.

I would stack mass resi, pick up as much stam as possible, the opt for extra mitigation and sp.

You lose out on lay on hands, so having another paladin to follow you seems like a good idea.

The only other class that seemed like it might stand a chance to FC is resto shaman, because they are less effected by slows in GW, and can pre-buff themselves with earth shield. But I bet they would die to fast as well. The speed boost they maintain inside is nice as well though.
Pizza said:
Level 10s will never be good in premades, period. Before jumping to conclusions like this you should look at what you're losing rather then what you're gaining. You would be losing a countless amount of moves offensively and defensively, talent points, health. Not to mention all 19s will be hit capped on you and Rogues will always get an opener on you because you'll never catch them in stealth.

Yeah, we won't hit you as hard as a 19 Druid, but you won't be able to get away so we'll lean into you so hard you wouldn't make it past a quarter of the field with a full team.

Feel free to argue, but face the facts, there will never be a guild that uses a level 10 in a premade; if they do, they will lose.

Lets all just face the facts here, you're wrong and I'd take any 10 pally or warrior over any FC in your guild. With nearly 95% physical damage reduce (making your awesome rogue openers worthless) and an up words of 60% spell damage reduce, they can freaking back peddle from the flag room to their base any take almost zero damage. You dun goofed.

Here, I'll link you my vid again, in case you haven't watched it yet. It has plenty of rogues opening up on me and I'm not even fully resilience stacked.

Duckhunt said:
Lets all just face the facts here, you're wrong and I'd take any 10 pally or warrior over any FC in your guild. With nearly 95% physical damage reduce (making your awesome rogue openers worthless) and an up words of 60% spell damage reduce, they can freaking back peddle from the flag room to their base any take almost zero damage. You dun goofed.

Here, I'll link you my vid again, in case you haven't watched it yet. It has plenty of rogues opening up on me and I'm not even fully resilience stacked.


lol@thinking pizza will ever admit to being wrong about anything
i've got to say it again. that was just completely insane.

if teams are running level 10's for fc's and healing support rogues are going to have a hard time.
I don't really care if he admits it or not, he thinks he's a twink GOD and his cult of goonies are the best at everything. Well, he's wrong and here is my proof.

Jericho said:
What Pizza said is wrong, if you roll with lvl 10s you will win! But I dont think druids are the same FCs they once were. Seeing your fc get 2 shotted is a bit concerning.

loling at duck vs, pizza. I gotta go with duckhunt, because that 10 priest healed pretty fucking good, and a 10 fc isnt taking nearly any damage, so the healing evens out. Toss in a 10 mage and ur g2g, like if this resil shit continues i dont see how you could argue against it with over 100% fucking mitigation and nasty heals to boot. just my 2 cents.
I don't understand why pizza posts like he's always right and everyone else is wrong. Bitch back the fuck up. I faced level 10's yesterday and let me tell you, it was WAY harder to kill than any 19.

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