Level 1 Shaman Twink

kissing up is fail since he's got no more golds to give :)

not a whole lot of wiggle room for lvl1 gearing ... and enchants that are optional, really aren't game breakers, only preference/play style decisions

all the relevant info is in these posts
Spell Power Stacking, is it really worth it? I always thought like mana reng stacking / int and haste were pretty gewd.
So I put a lvl 1 shaman together.... And I've got to say I'm very pissed.

Battered Jungle Hat

Voice Amplification Module

BOA shoulders

Haliscan Jacket +6 to all

Starting Area bracers +15 SP

Starting Gloves +16 SP

Starting Area waist

Haliscan Pants +40 Armor

Starting area boots +7 stamina

rings from shatt

BOA pvp trinket

BOA pve trinket

BOA Staff +30 SP

Starting area Shield +4 health/mana mp5

SP enchants don't do shit. With 60+ total SP enchants on my gear my lightning bolt is only critting in the high 20's... That's it.

The only thing that's even halfway cool about this is the ability to be able to spam lightning bolts since mana regen off the shield takes care of recovery.

Very Very Disappointed.

Can't see how anything other than a rogue (with dual wield) is viable as a lvl 1.
Jayeein said:
Can't see how anything other than a rogue (with dual wield) is viable as a lvl 1.

I've made a level 1 hunter with surprising results :3, I wanna make one on a more active servur though... I'll get boas ? :D
@Jayeein - that's cause you're doing it wrong...or maybe expecting too much? They are PvE heal/tanks and little else

for PvP a Warrior and apparently casters (although not the way I play them) are decent as well
chubs said:
@Jayeein - that's cause you're doing it wrong...or maybe expecting too much? They are PvE heal/tanks and little else

Allright... I can see them as a tank.... but as heals... I'd think you'd still be faced by the same problem.... The enchants that I've got would stay the same but my healing wave is only critting for 50.
there aren't gonna be many mobs hitting for more than that ... and your heals are super quick
chubs, your guild funding new members? :3

I'll get BOAs, thats notta problem
Shammy lvl 1 are AWESOME. I have a medium high Hp, med-low mana, 30 Hastes rating, healing wave cast like crazy, most of my dps is from 2handers Dps (BoA 2H), so yeah +1 shammy twink
ok. So how should the enchants go since SP is making no difference. Should I go with agility and stamina enchants on the bracers, gloves, and weapon?
depends on your plan really. is this for pvp or pve? heal or deeps? i don't remember and i don't wanna read back through

for bracers, you can only get +1 agi ... but as a shaman, your AP is the same for 1 point of str as agi. so you can do 9 str if you want the AP (+ some block value added which is nice). However, I think mana regen would be better on the wrists. You could do Int, but that depends on how long the fights you're doing. If they're longer than a couple of min, regen is better.

gloves you wanna do haste.

weapon would be 22 int ... although, if you're pvp, i'd get one with something like icy chill to switch to if a rogue is all up in your grill ... or maybe 15 str to block some of his face punches ... then switch back.

that's what i do anyway ... but all in all ... its up to your play style

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