So I just came back to F2P twinking after being gone for a, regained my account/password an hour ago. I've logged onto all my twinks, but the only one I really want to play is my enhance shaman. The thing is, I took him into a dungeon to get my skillz back and I have absolutely zero fuckin clue what I'm doing. I can dps, but that's about it. Can we have a general enhance thread? Here he is: Subpar @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
For people that play one, what should I know? Got any macro suggestions for me? I have an old Purge/Windsheer spam macro but I don't even know how to use that effectively any more.
For people that don't have an enhance shaman, what can I do to make your life as difficult as possible? I know its not the BEST spec, but its got the deeps, the healz, and the mobility to be really fun.
I used to be pretty good. Now I suck. Please, help me, otherwise I'm gonna play my hpal or my hunter...and nobody wants that.
Steelbeard @ Kael'thas - Community - World of Warcraft <--hpal <--hunter
For people that play one, what should I know? Got any macro suggestions for me? I have an old Purge/Windsheer spam macro but I don't even know how to use that effectively any more.
For people that don't have an enhance shaman, what can I do to make your life as difficult as possible? I know its not the BEST spec, but its got the deeps, the healz, and the mobility to be really fun.
I used to be pretty good. Now I suck. Please, help me, otherwise I'm gonna play my hpal or my hunter...and nobody wants that.
Steelbeard @ Kael'thas - Community - World of Warcraft <--hpal <--hunter
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