lets talk enh shamans

So I just came back to F2P twinking after being gone for a year...like, regained my account/password an hour ago. I've logged onto all my twinks, but the only one I really want to play is my enhance shaman. The thing is, I took him into a dungeon to get my skillz back and I have absolutely zero fuckin clue what I'm doing. I can dps, but that's about it. Can we have a general enhance thread? Here he is: Subpar @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

For people that play one, what should I know? Got any macro suggestions for me? I have an old Purge/Windsheer spam macro but I don't even know how to use that effectively any more.

For people that don't have an enhance shaman, what can I do to make your life as difficult as possible? I know its not the BEST spec, but its got the deeps, the healz, and the mobility to be really fun.

I used to be pretty good. Now I suck. Please, help me, otherwise I'm gonna play my hpal or my hunter...and nobody wants that.
Steelbeard @ Kael'thas - Community - World of Warcraft <--hpal
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/aerie-peak/Glhf/simple <--hunter
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Havent rolled mine yet, trying to figure out which race to choose, and which has the best fist animation.

Thinking of taking fem gob.

As long as you're using purge, shear, and offhealing I think you'll be a good support player. From what I understand the DPS is not very good even with BiS gear.
Not the advice you're looking for, but keep the GFd +1 resistance on your cloaks (don't replace w/ 10 armor). and if you see Feet of the Lynx drop in a dung or out of a chest, use those b/c they scale to 1 more agi in BGs now. most gear scales up for us now. you can look it up in the scaling guide.
MH dagger for the increased utility, ur dmg is not gonna be from ur mh weapon anyway, the 2 haste is arguable that you lose, but i believe the increased mana regen and quicker pushback on casters. Aswell as more melee attacks increasing your flurry uptime. If you dont want to do MH dagger, i would use nightreaver for secondary BIS
So I just came back to F2P twinking after being gone for a year...like, regained my account/password an hour ago. I've logged onto all my twinks, but the only one I really want to play is my enhance shaman. The thing is, I took him into a dungeon to get my skillz back and I have absolutely zero fuckin clue what I'm doing. I can dps, but that's about it. Can we have a general enhance thread? Here he is: Subpar @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

For people that play one, what should I know? Got any macro suggestions for me? I have an old Purge/Windsheer spam macro but I don't even know how to use that effectively any more.

For people that don't have an enhance shaman, what can I do to make your life as difficult as possible? I know its not the BEST spec, but its got the deeps, the healz, and the mobility to be really fun.

I used to be pretty good. Now I suck. Please, help me, otherwise I'm gonna play my hpal or my hunter...and nobody wants that.
Steelbeard @ Kael'thas - Community - World of Warcraft <--hpal
Glhf @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft <--hunter

Unfortunately, there isn't much to say about enhance below level 26. Without Stormstrike, you hit like a wet noodle. Without Elemental Force enchant, you have no pressure on targets. Without slows like Frost Shock or Earthbind Totem, you have no time on target.

This spec is just not good @ level 20. You're better off playing elemental. Has all the same tools as enhance but it has a 40 yard range and burst/mana pool to be a threat.
Enh is fun but it's pretty noodly . I do love both of mine though !
It's one of the specs that has more viability in wargame arenas than battlegrounds. Which is to say, it is good in specialized circumstances but weak in a general aspect.

With a decent sized number of buttons with weak scaling, Enhance may pick up a bit from the Warlords of Draenor "Spells only have scaling damage" change. Only time will tell.
Welcome back!
From my experience with enhancement, you are going to have max fun playing Arathi Basin matches. Avoid 1x1 situations and always fight in the crowd (like the LM rush in the beginning), where you can spread your lava, purges and wind shears at will, and.drop your few heals to keep your healer alive. << This made me be on top dmg in many many AB.

Only pug WSG when you are feeling really really calm, and be prepared to lose that calm after 3 matches, then pick your op class and revenge!
You also can use that free time in the rotation to /kiss every female in the battleground.

One day I soloed a.hunter (MM) and this day is known as "The Enhancement Holiday"

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