US Legion Pre-Patch Before TC!



I'm assuming most of you already heard of the rumor that the Legion Pre-Patch would hit before the TC. The release of Legion is already announced (30 AUG. 16)

I'm afraid to say this will become reality. After asking several friends who had direct peer-to-peer contact with GM's, they found out the Pre-Patch will hit 4-6-2016 (on US). It will hit EU 5-6-2016. (This is the information I got from my friends, so this may not be the official date. Further information about the Pre-Patch is provided in the Ticket below.)
This Pre-Patch includes all Class Changes, Talents, Abilities/Skills. Ofcourse alot of things will still be done before the official release of Legion.. but these are the changes for now.
This information is meant to be kept a secret, but I felt like informing the Twinking community looking at the TC.
Since I won't be giving any names of my sources, I don't see a problem.

Ofcourse I wanted to be 100% sure before letting the community know, so I made a ticket to the GM's to see what kinda reponse they'd have. If you read the ticket, you can put the pieces together.
Dear Aron Kramer,

Thank you for contacting the Blizzard Customer Support team. Your Support ticket #53730145 has been successfully created.

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This is the ticket description:

I heard from a few friends who had contact with GM's that the Legion Pre-Patch would hit in early June, would it be possible to have a little tip if this is true We got a tournament coming up around mid June and i would rly like to know if the patch will hit before that since its important for alot of ppl :)

This is the ticket answer:

"Hello Aron, I'm afraid I can't give you much information concerning this subject, because it's not 100% sure yet. What I can say, is that the Legion Pre-Patch will indeed hit before your tournament. I hope this hasn't caused any inconvenience. If you don't have any further questions, mark this ticket as resolved."

We will send you another email when a Customer Service representative replies to your ticket response, which under normal conditions happens within 24 hours (but please allow up to 2 days). Meanwhile, we strongly suggest that you do not submit duplicate tickets, as doing so will only lengthen your wait time.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please log in to My Support Center web site at reply to the ticket.


The Customer Support Team
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Even though I have warned about this on more than one occasion, it is not particularly nice to go around yelling "The SKY IS FALLING!! THE SKY IS FALLING"...
June 4th and 5th are Saturday and Sunday. Major patches do not become active on the weekends. Unless your friend's friend of s friend's friend means that we can start downloading it then.
Never-the-less, it does not hurt for the TC committee to be prepared just in case the prepatch becomes active. Thus my warning months ago. "Failing to plan is planning to fail."
No one gives a shit what uve told them @Allybeboba, its not like theyre handicapped and didnt think about it while planning?
Its earlier this year then the prev cup aswell
I will come with more information on why the Pre-Patch is so soon this year, there have been things going on off-screem the public isn't notified about.
I will update later!
Took me a minute to realize you were from Europe.

4-6-2016 had me confused as fuck.
Well this is fake.

devm_faggot said:
If you don't have any further questions, mark this ticket as resolved.

No Gamemaster ends a Ticket with this ^

devm_shit said:
Hello Aron, I'm afraid I can't give you much information concerning this subject, because it's not 100% sure yet.

"Hello Aron, I'm afraid I can't give you much information concerning this subject, as it's not 100% certain yet."
That's the correct way to write that sentence and I can assure you that a Gamemaster wouldn't make that mistake as it's basic english.

Also the comma before because is wrong.

Fake and gay

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