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Guess we won't be able to get the gear. Saw this on wowhead:
"Demons have taken over six low-level zones; Azshara, Dun Morogh, Hillsbrad Foothills, Northern Barrens, Tanaris, Westfall. Completing one invasion rewards
Stand Against the Legion and all six rewards
Defender of Azeroth: Legion Invasions. Players from levels 10 through 100 can take part in invasions."
Guess we won't be able to get the gear. Saw this on wowhead:
"Demons have taken over six low-level zones; Azshara, Dun Morogh, Hillsbrad Foothills, Northern Barrens, Tanaris, Westfall. Completing one invasion rewards
Legion invasion should be out today (aug 9) in the US and tomorrow in EU. Can someone on the US servers confirm that we can participate in the event or not and get the rewards?
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