Legion info that'll affect 19s


2016 TC Champion
Q: Will the PvP gear stat template be available for lower levels? Or will our gear in PvP be the PvE stats at lower levels?
A: The PvP stat templates will apply at lower levels (and scale accordingly).

Q: If I turn off XP, can I still gain PvP lvl? Will I have access to same PvP spell & prestige reward as a lvl 10 like a lvl 110?
A: The PvP Honor system is only available at level 110.

Q: What does "PvP stat template" mean?
A: When you enter a battleground or arena, the game will set your stats from your spec, not your gear. This means all of your stats will come from a template specific to your spec. If one spec isn't doing well in PvP, their spec's template can be tuned individually. PvP talents plus the spec stat templates will allow the team to tune balance in arenas and battlegrounds much better than they ever have been able to do before. As you get better gear, your stats are increased a smaller amount.

Q: are the pvp level brackets going to be changed with legion?
A: PvP level brackets are not changing. The gear provided will scale to your level (similar to Timewalking gear).

Q: Will there be any changes at all to Racials in Legion. Or happy with how they turned out after changes in WoD?
A: Overall they're pretty solid, but we'll tweak them as needed for Legion. The Human racials in particular may need to change, to account for the new PvP systems.

F: Spirit is being changed to Versatility.
Mouseover to see Legion version.
Mouseover to see retail version.

Q: Will item level matter regarding stats in low level PvP?
A: Yes, in a similar manner to max-level PvP. The stat difference will be considerably smaller.

Every Man For Himself UPDATE:

In the next version of the Legion Alpha, we’re adjusting the Human racial ‘Every Man for Himself’ to only remove stun effects. The racial will share a 30 second cooldown with other similar effects.

Due to the changes to PvP gear and the introduction of PvP talents in Legion, the Warlords of Draenor implementation of Every Man For Himself no longer makes sense. So instead, we’re trying out an implementation that functions similar to Will of the Forsaken. It will only break Stun effects, but won’t trigger the full 2-minute cooldown on your Gladiator’s Medallion ability (which is the Legion version of the current Medallion trinkets).

As always, this change isn’t final, and we’re looking for feedback from testers once they’ve had some time with it.

Q: Stay true to the idea of a tank being hit; make Taunt give penalties for not hitting tank, such as reduced damage dealt.
We don't think the fantasy of "I get hit" works well in PvP. Prefer to work on the "I'm on the front line" fantasy instead.

Mail / Plate Level Requirements Changed:

Plate and Mail wearers in Legion start off with Plate / Mail at Level 1 - not Level 40 now.

Honorable Medallion:

This build includes our solution for the “CC break trinket” for low level classes. Upon entering a battleground or arena for the first time, players will learn the “Honorable Medallion” (temp name) spell. This spell removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character while in PvP combat and has a 3 minute cooldown. Players can learn this spell at any level and it resides in the General section of your spell book. The first row of PvP talents then modifies the Honorable Medallion. This will provide the “CC break trinket” mechanic for all levels of PvP player. Feedback on this solution would be appreciated!

I'll update the thread as soon as I get more information.
If you know something I don't, feel free post it here and I'll update the thread with your information.
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so my stats on a lowlvl char will depend on how that spec performs at endgame? great, what could go wrong? :rolleyes:
I said that before he posted it in the main thread. And I don't see a source, despite hearing it before.


Holinka's example is all gear under a certain iLvL will not change your stats. Gear above that ilvl threshold will start to give you 1% more damage/stats per 5 ilvls. This way, a fresh level 110 and a maxed out level 110 might only be 8% different in damage/stats.

Of course he was pulling examples from his head and not actual numbers.

Likely, you're iLvL will not play any factor under level 110, but we still need confirmation on this.

Holinka's example is all gear under a certain iLvL will not change your stats. Gear above that ilvl threshold will start to give you 1% more damage/stats per 5 ilvls. This way, a fresh level 110 and a maxed out level 110 might only be 8% different in damage/stats.

Of course he was pulling examples from his head and not actual numbers.

Likely, you're iLvL will not play any factor under level 110, but we still need confirmation on this.

Your ilvl will play a factor at low levels.

Neither is any of this
Not even beta yet

Remember skirms?

So with that logic, Artifacts are not final either, right?

Main Features are final. Abilities are ever changing, features are not. Hence why.
wow this game got even shittier

Yeah let's prematurely judge shit that hasn't even been added to the beta of the game that won't be released in over six months from now.

This idiotic ignorance of reading one post or seeing something in patch notes and then spewing all over forums is exactly what holds the community back.

Blaze is introducing known items to speculate about how things may be... However, we haven't even the single slightest clue of the magnitude of any changes, nor will we until they hit beta and are tweaked. Once things are introduced to beta, educational speculation will start to come into place. Until then, we haven't the single clue of any significance.

People need to not overreact and try to over-speculate.

As we've seen countless times, (idk if this is you guys's first expansion or not, but most of you are acting like it is) anything and everything can and will change no matter if it's a last minute, prebeta, beta or even if it's been added to the game already.

People need to slow their rolls.
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There's a few things I want to bring up here:

1. I talked about this a little bit over in another thread, there's a link to the Wowhead features summation for legion: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f17...wink-need-advice-72353/index2.html#post976347

2. We need to consider the idea that this might be a preliminary change to enable merging of XP on and XP off brackets. At this point, if they're going to divide the player base over what amounts to a few percent throughput difference between absolute BiS and some random23 in a BG, they really need to get their shit together.

3. Them saying 'subject to change' is just insurance to cover their own ass if they didn't deliver on something. Realistically, there won't be much in the way of significant changes between now and launch. Sure, they are still doing work on major areas of game design, but you have to understand that they've been working on Legion since before Wod was announced. That's what they do with expansions. They have people working on the next expansion after Legion already, and we don't even have beta access yet to the just-been-announced expansion. I don't think it's too much to assume these pvp changes are definitely going live in 7.0. The only real question will be what else is coming with them and what that does to twinking.
Your ilvl will play a factor at low levels.


That was me asking the second question about ilvl. Can't believe you saw that response before me lmfao.

Alright well I have a max iLvL set ready to go.

I wonder if shamans will have any reason to choose shields anymore if a 2h or a 1h/oh has a higher ilvl.
wow this game got even shittier

I dont think it got shittier tbh, more balance in the future <3 however your gear will be useless and I am pretty sure the only gear that will affect the stats the slightest will be required level 110 anyways. Only thing you can be sad about is all the rare items with "BiS" stats meaning jackshit now. But you will hopefully end up seeing a game where the various classes are way more balanced and ferals doesnt one shot you any longer.

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