EU+US Legion 20-29's Transmog Thread

Here's my baby. Nothing too fancy. Microphone not included hehe.


Damn, always wanted that shield but I need a lvl 30+ alli plate to do it
Lol - I was P2P from Wrath to WoD and I had never levelled a plate wearer other than a DK so I missed all the lvl 1 - 60 quests. I sub'd at the end of last year for a few months and during that time levelled a Pali from 1 - 34 just for that shield :eek:
I've recently purchased another month of game time and my poor Pali levelled from 34 to 46 through the Thousand Needles just for the helm! I say 'poor' because his whole existence was based around farming 1 shield and 1 helm!
But for the record, the quest chain in the Thousand Needles produces a few decent plate and shield mogs. One shield that stood out for me was
I find it so incredibly frustrating that SO many armor sets are incomplete. Why the fuck do they have armor sets only to keep one or two pieces from existence??

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