Legendary F2P raid boss hardmode übergods.


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1: Are you friends with Earl? Offer an example of a time Earl displayed some sort of comradery towards you.
- I consider myself friends w/ you..known you on ap for over a year.

2: Are you from AP? If not, stop now, before you embarrass yourself.
- Yes

3: Do you have more 'likes received' than "likes given" on TI? If not, you're obviously a fanboy.
- 4 likes given, 15 received

4: Is your WSG win ratio over 75%? If not, you pug too much, instead of steamrolling quel'thalas "premades" with an AP 10 man.
- Think it's something around 85%.

5: Have you been banned from f2ptwink or muted in vent by Felix, or Earl? If so, I'm sorry you wasted your time applying, thus far.
- Felix hates me..not my fault :(
6: Is your AP toon over a year old?
- Yes

7: If you qualified for the aforementioned prerequisites, post your armory, and a screenshot of you and Earl
- Already posted an ss
1: Are you friends with Earl? Offer an example of a time Earl displayed some sort of comradery towards you.

He autographed my Lucky Fishing Hat

2: Are you from AP? If not, stop now, before you embarrass yourself.

From south Aerie Peak, born and raised

3: Do you have more 'likes received' than "likes given" on TI? If not, you're obviously a fanboy.

My 'likes received' is bugged, it's real value should be >9000

4: Is your WSG win ratio over 75%? If not, you pug too much, instead of steamrolling quel'thalas "premades" with an AP 10 man.

If 101% can be considered over 75%, then yeh

5: Have you been banned from f2ptwink or muted in vent by Felix, or Earl? If so, I'm sorry you wasted your time applying, thus far.

Never been banned, dished out my own bans on scrubs once or twice and I keep a long list of noobs who I will mercilessly ban on sight

6: Is your AP toon over a year old?

Twenty years mold

7: If you qualified for the aforementioned prerequisites, post your armory, and a screenshot of you and Earl.

Swagpurse @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

Screenshot: as requested, it's 100% legit

Copy and fill out the following application if you think you are worthy of running with the big dogs.

1: Are you friends with Earl? Offer an example of a time Earl displayed some sort of comradery towards you.
who is earl?
2: Are you from AP? If not, stop now, before you embarrass yourself.
what does "ap" stand for
3: Do you have more 'likes received' than "likes given" on TI? If not, you're obviously a fanboy.
fuck everyone like this post
4: Is your WSG win ratio over 75%? If not, you pug too much, instead of steamrolling quel'thalas "premades" with an AP 10 man.
what is a premade?
5: Have you been banned from f2ptwink or muted in vent by Felix, or Earl? If so, I'm sorry you wasted your time applying, thus far.
still muted by felux i think. who is this earl fellow?
6: Is your AP toon over a year old?
7: If you qualified for the aforementioned prerequisites, post your armory, and a screenshot of you and Earl.
i dont know how to post screen shots
1: Are you friends with Earl? Offer an example of a time Earl displayed some sort of comradery towards you.
We danced together once at gurubashi.
2: Are you from AP? If not, stop now, before you embarrass yourself.
Attack Power?
3: Do you have more 'likes received' than "likes given" on TI? If not, you're obviously a fanboy.
Yes, Im not like verh and moo.
4: Is your WSG win ratio over 75%? If not, you pug too much, instead of steamrolling quel'thalas "premades" with an AP 10 man.
um sure i guess.
5: Have you been banned from f2ptwink or muted in vent by Felix, or Earl? If so, I'm sorry you wasted your time applying, thus far.
people wouldnt dare ban the hobo.
6: Is your AP toon over a year old?
i tink.
7: If you qualified for the aforementioned prerequisites, post your armory, and a screenshot of you and Earl.


Me and Url from left to right.
Super qts.
1: Are you friends with Earl? Offer an example of a time Earl displayed some sort of comradery towards you.
Gave my spot in a 5 man to Bizr, and Earl was like Basket simulque with us! and i was like

2: Are you from AP? If not, stop now, before you embarrass yourself.
Pfft all the baskets are on AP

3: Do you have more 'likes received' than "likes given" on TI? If not, you're obviously a fanboy.
Holy crap I have more likes received than likes given

4: Is your WSG win ratio over 75%? If not, you pug too much, instead of steamrolling quel'thalas "premades" with an AP 10 man.
Pugs, premades, pugmades, basket brings home the hardware

5: Have you been banned from f2ptwink or muted in vent by Felix, or Earl? If so, I'm sorry you wasted your time applying, thus far.
No. In fact I've banned some nasty characters myself

6: Is your AP toon over a year old?
10 months? but we can work something out! /rawr

7: If you qualified for the aforementioned prerequisites, post your armory, and a screenshot of you and Earl.
Swagbasket @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

I swearz Earl is behind the smoke getting high on awesomeness :3

1: Are you friends with Earl? Offer an example of a time Earl displayed some sort of comradery towards you.
I once gave earl gold on Korgath and he promised to repay me in sexual favors.
2: Are you from AP? If not, stop now, before you embarrass yourself.
3: Do you have more 'likes received' than "likes given" on TI? If not, you're obviously a fanboy.
In a desperate attempt to be wide I have destroyed my likes given to received ratio.
4: Is your WSG win ratio over 75%? If not, you pug too much, instead of steamrolling quel'thalas "premades" with an AP 10 man.
I'm num fucking won
5: Have you been banned from f2ptwink or muted in vent by Felix, or Earl? If so, I'm sorry you wasted your time applying, thus far.
6: Is your AP toon over a year old?
7: If you qualified for the aforementioned prerequisites, post your armory, and a screenshot of you and Earl.
Arenashameng @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
And don't pretend you didn't save those nudes I sent you.
bump for great cuteness. i believe you shall find evidence of my legendary f2p raid boss status here: http://imgur.com/a/YTVRP#0

now starring:

& Others you may/may not have heard of. <3
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1: Are you friends with Earl? Offer an example of a time Earl displayed some sort of comradery towards you.

I don't make friends, only enemies and distant acquaintances.

However, you did compliment my playing skills once, specifically my intense level of focus: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/i-hate-you-izac-40954/

Direct quote from you: "YOU FOCUS way too HARD on trying to CC, instead of healing."

2: Are you from AP? If not, stop now, before you embarrass yourself.

Yo soy de Quel'thalas. Es broma.

3: Do you have more 'likes received' than "likes given" on TI? If not, you're obviously a fanboy.

Good question, and no, clearly I do not have more likes given than likes received.

4: Is your WSG win ratio over 75%? If not, you pug too much, instead of steamrolling quel'thalas "premades" with an AP 10 man.

I refuse to look at my win percentage because I don't want to get cocky. I know it's inconceivably high because of how skilled I am.

5: Have you been banned from f2ptwink or muted in vent by Felix, or Earl? If so, I'm sorry you wasted your time applying, thus far.

No not yet.

6: Is your AP toon over a year old?

Yeah definately. I'm no expert but he looks to be in his early twenties.

7: If you qualified for the aforementioned prerequisites, post your armory, and a screenshot of you and Earl.

Izac @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

Here's a pic from that time we challenged Orgrimmar to a game of WSG.

They just kept coming didn't they... just look at that carnage. But after you downed Garrosh it really was a piece of cake for us to cap that third flag.

(of course this was pre-mop and before Earl was banned from hunters)

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