That is super strong!I think it doesn’t count as one so u can have it plus 2 other legion legendaries
The big question is, does it still drop. I’ve done heroic antorus every week, two weeks after release to now. Not once have I seen one drop for anyone in raid.
My guess is it’s the same chance of getting a legendary off of a boss, which I only see happen once or twice per raid for all people in raid. Just so happens I havnt seen someone get a Argus trink
The big question is, does it still drop. I’ve done heroic antorus every week, two weeks after release to now. Not once have I seen one drop for anyone in raid.
My guess is it’s the same chance of getting a legendary off of a boss, which I only see happen once or twice per raid for all people in raid. Just so happens I havnt seen someone get a Argus trink
The big question is, does it still drop. I’ve done heroic antorus every week, two weeks after release to now. Not once have I seen one drop for anyone in raid.
My guess is it’s the same chance of getting a legendary off of a boss, which I only see happen once or twice per raid for all people in raid. Just so happens I havnt seen someone get a Argus trink
The legendary trinket from Argus is just very rare. They may have removed it post legion but that doesn't really make sense. The Argus trinkets are separate loot from everything else: boss loot, legiondaries, etc. The legendary Argus trink doesn't contribute to your two legiondaries equipped.
Veiled argulite can't roll the legendary trinket off argus, that's a once a week across all difficulties roll. It's only tied to argus, I know someone who got it on their hunter recently, but that was mentioned offhand so I don't know the name to armory and verify. The epic trinkets and the +5 tokens do still drop and it's very much worth farming still, the trinkets are really strong for all the classes.
Petrified, your probably thinking of the Archimonde's Hatred Reborn etc trinkets that occupy 1 of 2 legiondaries slots. The argus trinket occupies a seperate grouping in that sense, you can't stack the legendary trinket off argus with the epic trinket off argus, they share the same item set. So you could ideally wear the legendary trinket, + 2 legiondaries
...The epic trinkets and the +5 tokens do still drop and it's very much worth farming still, the trinkets are really strong for all the classes...