looted legend today from warden supply chest 970 voodoo mask have it eqip so ppl can check rapier@vek'nilash

Good to know they are 970 IL. I'm sure we all suspected it but confirmation is always great. Grays bro
Rip my 940 lego lol, at least its a shitty one, but even if I get a good 970 lego, next patch they will be 1,000 ilvl, so itll be bad again lollllll

The big question is, if I save my Crates up till 1000 legos come out, will the ones I got pre patch that contain a legendary be 1000 or 970 because they were obtained before patch? Shit I might start saving my Crates
The big question is, if I save my Crates up till 1000 legos come out, will the ones I got pre patch that contain a legendary be 1000 or 970 because they were obtained before patch? Shit I might start saving my Crates
Loot is rolled when you open something, so they should be 1,000. It's so hard to save chests lol. I've opened 28 of them and told myself each time to save lol
Loot is rolled when you open something, so they should be 1,000. It's so hard to save chests lol. I've opened 28 of them and told myself each time to save lol

Plus what if they remove legendarys from these. Gotta eat while the foods still warm.
I doubt they will, but who knows. If I want a 1,000 ilvl lego of a lego I have @ 940, ill just delete it when I know that the max lego is maxed for the xpac.

U saying u can delete say a 970 when and if the 1000s come out, restore it, and it will become 1000? Trying to make sense of what u said.
U saying u can delete say a 970 when and if the 1000s come out, restore it, and it will become 1000? Trying to make sense of what u said.
No lol. I'm saying once the 1,000 ilvl legos come out, and if you have a 940 or 970 version of a Lego that you want at 1,000 ilvl. Make many GM tickets and make sure that if you delete the 940 or 970 lego that you 100% have a chance to obtain that lego again, and if you can, itll be 1,000 ilvl.
No lol. I'm saying once the 1,000 ilvl legos come out, and if you have a 940 or 970 version of a Lego that you want at 1,000 ilvl. Make many GM tickets and make sure that if you delete the 940 or 970 lego that you 100% have a chance to obtain that lego again, and if you can, itll be 1,000 ilvl.

Honestly, even if I get stuck with a 970 I'll be infinitely thrilled. As long as it's a slot that I can't get an 840 in. Celumbra replaced cloth 840 BOE shoulders so it would be nice to be able to re-equip those again
just got my 2nd 970 legendary wrists also bought ingrams puzzle box as I had 70 coins kinda hopin it drops armor upgds but doubt it paragons defo way to go for legends

Gz, How the fuck did you managed to get 2 970 Legendaries ? haha
I opened my 24th Rep chest yesterday and still got not even 1 Mount or anything else except Gold/ressources and 1 curious coin
Its a bit frustrating, I am always hoping before i open a chest and bääm -> bullshit xD I guess the bad luck protection dont work on lvl 101 right?
I want that 970 Trinket so bad that would increase my dps so much :( ^^
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Compound RNG, when it comes to Gearing, has ZERO business being in a competitive MMO. Unfortunately, Blizz has doubled, nay tripled down on that shit with Legion, and it's only getting worse in 7.3 with the new Artifact customization system, that's 100% fucking random.
Biggest question is whether or not legendaries will require 101 to equip when they are ilvl 1000 and if 1000 will even be the final ilvl.

I can see blizz pulling a fast one and being like "yeah we won't let 101s wear ilvl 1000 versions, that will require 110"

And I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask blizzard on twitter what the final ilvl will be when 7.3 comes along
Biggest question is whether or not legendaries will require 101 to equip when they are ilvl 1000 and if 1000 will even be the final ilvl.

I can see blizz pulling a fast one and being like "yeah we won't let 101s wear ilvl 1000 versions, that will require 110"

And I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask blizzard on twitter what the final ilvl will be when 7.3 comes along

This won't happen. They were 110 but changed to 101 likely to be a little push for people to level their alts. When you see blizzard change stuff in this way, they normally don't switch it back. I think it is safe to say they will be level 101

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