Least Played F2P class

i dont see too many feral druids!
Feral druids are not an underplayed spec.

If you see a druid, most likely they're feral, rawr :D

Besides, Baffi is at least worth like 10 feral druids IMO.

well actually every classes other than hunters pallys rogues are underplayed..
i do agree that there isnt much locks but compared how good ferals can be if you know how to play and compared to other classes that are decent (shammy, priest, mages, prot warriors (which are pretty rare as well), i dont see too many ferals i guess its just me then
i always see feral druids and they hit like a truck. the classes i see the least of would be shammy and locks
I have a Mage on AP (Wanky). The only times I die is either because im not well positioned with my team, a 24 beats on me, or that a hunt catches me in a 1v1. My average game is of around 8-10 kills and 2 deaths. A rogue should never kill you with the number of ccs you have to slow him down, or just poly and run away. Idk why youre saying you die all the time... maybe its because youre in Mdps range instead of hanging back. And, my Return Flag/Game played ratio is 1.50 too, so I don't just get kills in there.

I dont even try vs 24 hunters. I just sit it out if im alone vs him and let him kill me. Doesnt take much skill to shoot 1 explosive shot and 2 arcanes.
armory link please.

if you have a video of u playing ,post it.
playing a class is the best to make your own opinion on how overpowered/horrible a class can be,

what about videos? just choose the clips that show you as a top players, don't include your nemesis classes, include horrible players (shaman with 2 handers? right....)
Truer words have never been spoken, i gotta get to ap, pugging as a healer is one of the worst things you can do sometimes. You may think its frustrating pugging as horde but I guarantee you whoever thinks they have been frustrated, you have never nor will you ever be as frustrated as i have been :( i have been in some TERRIBLE pugs and it is terrible sometimes queing knowing that you are alone without friends to pug with :(

I prefer to use a healer when I solo PUG. That way, I am pretty sure I'll get heals.

Additionally I tend to not heal anyone with less than 800hp unless there is nothing else to do.
And, in a similar vein, the 600hp rogue that grabs the speed boots to beat the 1900hp paladin to get the flag - I tell them straight up drop zee flag or no heals for juu. Then I tell the pally to follow and get ready to grab when our little friend goes down quicker than a montreal hooker on a cold night.

On Topic - incoming shadowpriest. That's probably the least played class/spec* I've seen and I look forward to the challenge.

*(well maybe a close second to demo lock)


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