Least Played F2P class

More recently, I've seen a lot more warriors, warlocks, balance/restoration druids, and enhancement shamans, which you almost never saw much of.

A few you still don't see are elemental shamans, shadow priests, combat rogues, and fire mages. If you mean specs as well ^^;
warlocks for sure, warriors, mages

in that order staring with seen least

a well played warlock can destroy in a BG, im thinking of rolling one myself :)
i dont see many feral druids... am i alone?
and yeah pugging as a healer tends to suck! :(

Truer words have never been spoken, i gotta get to ap, pugging as a healer is one of the worst things you can do sometimes. You may think its frustrating pugging as horde but I guarantee you whoever thinks they have been frustrated, you have never nor will you ever be as frustrated as i have been :( i have been in some TERRIBLE pugs and it is terrible sometimes queing knowing that you are alone without friends to pug with :(
More recently, I've seen a lot more warriors, warlocks, balance/restoration druids, and enhancement shamans, which you almost never saw much of.

Until last few weeks, I am usually the only lock in a bg. But lately it has been amazing with many new locks joining. In this last week often there are at least 1 other lock. Today all records are broken, there were 3 alliance locks and 2 horde locks in a single pug.

That said, the new locks IMNSHO are still a tad green and undergeared, but surely they will get better soon.

Referring to another post, yes Bizr is good. With a good lock defending FR in WSG, you would need at least 3 non-heals, or a heal+non-heal to take away the flag.
Pugging as a healer isn't that bad. Healers often make the biggest difference in a bg, and you can up your chances of winning by ensuring that you always have a healer in your bgs.
what about bgs without healers now that is terribad.
What do you all feel is the least played F2P class

I feel its Warlock or Mage

Most underplayed classes would be:

Fire Mage - Dont play this
Holy Priest
Ele Shaman

That is my opinion of the least played F2P classes. The only one that is actually worth not playing is Fire Mage. 3.5 second cast is too long, and honestly doesn't provide much burst dmg even if it manages to get a crit off.

In some rare situations, i could see a Fire Mage beating SOME classes 1o1(Sheep w/ trinket down --> Pyroblast --> Fireball --> Fireblast --> Arcane Missle) but other than that, there's no way a Fire Mage should be able to beat anyone 1o1. And arcane/Frost mages have more CC/Burst than fire does, so logically it makes no sense to roll a fire mage unless you are purposely trying to gimp yourself of the classes' full capabilities.

So other than fire mage, any of those other classes would be a fun choice to play.

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