Learning Photoshop :D

After playing around with it for about 10 minutes I made this.


Tell me what you think. I will also post a lot of my creations here :D
I am using Photoshop CS3 :] Well I kinda did that, and I know it's standard, but I don't know what half the buttons do :( I used the some tool to select a part of Twinkytoes I wanted to Copy and Paste. I pasted it into the siggy thingy, and put the part of Twinkytoes that I wanted to show, made the Backround red and wrote Dwarf because of lack of space. Any tips for a beginner?
the tool you used was either lasoo or magic wand.

lasoo: you can choose which parts you want to keep/delete by clicking around the selected area.

magic wand: you can adjust the strength of it, and if you have a good background (good as in contrast between yourself and background) it will select the main item. Adjusting the strength means that you can choose how much lee-way it gives with the colours.

tip: using the lasoo tool, you can select around your dwarf, and then press invert (default on most photo programs is ctrl+shift+i) and then delete. This will delete everything around what you have selected. Also when deleting, you can add a feather effect, the option is usually at the top. This will make the edges more rounded, and make the colours sorta fade out.

tip2: if you're going for precision: this is kinda basic, but dunno if you know:

if you zoom in all the way, and use the smallest brush possible, you can actually get rid of single pixels, e.g like above your dwarfs head
I'm not a fan of the red and blue combo. Also, consider adding subtle gradients to things like backgrounds and sometimes even text. Even a subtle gradient can improve a solid colored object by adding some depth to it.


like that.


also, sometimes you can just search for good abstract photos/images to use as backgrounds.
Anyone have some tips on actual drawing in photoshop? xD Ive been working on some, but all my line-art looks so...messy
i got a couple, lemme get on photobucket and link. thank you!









unfortunately, that's all I have atm. perhaps you could get 3 screenshots, one facing towards the screen, one facing left and one facing right, and then put them in the order of left, front, right, with a good background? tried my own hand at this but i'm rubbish... my avatar proves it ^^

Or if not, could you sorta make it something like Ogsirs? I rly liked that one.

also, could you somehow include: Bád - Subtlety Rogue, (New line) With a Vengeance (New line) Medivh - Ruin

thanks in advance :D

edit: sorry for thread hijack, twinky, but seeing as you haven't replied i'll assume you didn't see my advice... or this :(
Wow :) better then when i started, and i still suck..

Either way i'm glad to see that the people on here actually give nice comments. Every other forum i've seen just cuts down people who signatures are professional mind blowing stuff.

Good job though, just mess around for awhile with the tools, what i did and it helped a lil bit.
lol ive had photoshop cs3 for upwards of half a year and have done nothing with it

i got it off of isohunt because i didnt have the money at the time but i cant figure the damn thing out

made it like 2 minutes after i posted but i kinda like it

wait you cant see it...

edit: grr, someone please help because im obviously a scrub.


how about now?

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