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WoW Talent Calculator - Sigrie

I know the mechanics of the talent tree arent correct (i.e. you can hybrid and you get them at the wrong levels) however this is the latest stuff according to mmo, so just assume you get 6 points and be happy.

Below is the new stuff, i havent included every talent change, just the tastiest ones.


- Feral swiftness is now a tier 1 talent, meaning they can easily put 2 points in this aswell as one point in infected wounds. More utility for feral druids.


- nada as far as i can tell


- You lose frost armour


- Holy Shock will grant a charge of Holy Power, whatever that is. Someone enlighten me

- Ret talents have been shuffled, they look tastier.

- Revamp of divine storm - An instant weapon attack that causes 20% of weapon damage to up to all enemies within 8 yards. The Divine Storm heals up to 3 party or raid members totaling 25% of the damage caused. Consumes all applications of Holy Power to increase damage dealt:

1 Holy Power: 22% Weapon Damage

2 Holy Power: 50% Weapon Damage

3 Holy Power: 90% Weapon Damage / 20% of base mana, Instant cast

- Crusader strike will grant a charge of Holy Power

- Avengers Shield will have its silence built in.

- Both Ret and Prot will gain mana on judgement. It will be built in at lvl 10, and will work much like the Judgements of the Wise talent in the ret tree, minus the replenishment effect.

- You will no longer be getting BoK, however you will be given back devo aura and HoP


- Nothing afaik


- Looks like you're keeping 1 point in waylay. Nice

- Shadowstep now increases the damage of your next Ambush or Garrote. (Old - Increased the damage of the next ability)


- Ancestral Knowledge is now an elemental talent. It is 3 point, 5% mana per point. Nice.

- Enhance has some nice tier 2 talents to play with

- Apparently Earth shield is trainable at level 10... what resto get at 10 is anyones guess unless mmo has it wrong.


- Improved Shadow Bolt is now Shadow and Flame - Increases the damage done by your Shadow Bolt and Incinerate spells by 4%, and your Shadow Bolt has a 33/66/100% chance to cause the Improved Shadow Bolt effect to the target.

The Improved Shadow Bolt effect causes the target to be vulnerable to spell damage, increasing spell critical strike chance against that target by 5% for 30 sec.

- It looks like Drain Life damage will be increased.


- Thunderclap's attack speed reduction is now 30 seconds long, up from 10.

- Rend damage has been increased. Now deals [ 8.57% of Weapon Speed * AP + 60% of Weap. Min. Damage + 60% of Max. Weap. Damage ], up from [ 7.14% of MWS * AP + 50% of MWB + 50% of mwb ]

- Shield Block's cooldown is now 30 secs, down from 1 min, but now costs 10 rage.

- Fury gets piercing howl. Bye bye hamstring, hello beautiful. Piercing Howl - Spells - Sigrie

Thats all folks.
Mamytwink said:
You fergot som ^^

For example warrior's piercing Howl.

But anyway, there will be other builds and other changes !

You're right, i did miss that, thanks. I also missed avengers shield getting the silence built in, thats now added too.

Looks like warriors wont be as gimped, and may be able to fill in for a mage on D aswell as still being excellent on O.
Wrote this in another thread as well Kore:

Could you please supply information showing Hamstring is gone? It says level 14 in the thread with source made by Duckhunt. Also the level on mmo says 20 for Piercing howl?
^^ piercing howl lvl 20 according to mmo db

Piercing Howl - Spells - Sigrie

I gave up trusting the ability lvls on cata.wowhead and mmo db's. Too many suspect levels and too many class abilities with 'level gaps' in them, too many of the corresponding glyphs (e.g. hamstring) haven't had level changes.

The item stats however seem pretty trustworthy so far and match reports from people using the beta.

When I saw hamstring at lvl 26 I was wtf! wsg / twin peaks against hunters with no hamstring or disarm... :( then found a vid that (seems) to show warrs getting hamstring at lvl 14, ( fast forward to 1:52 ) although its a bit fuzzy, its on the bottom left, and the 1st number definately looks like a 1 to me.


perhaps beta users can post some of the ability tab screenshots to confirm the ability and level reqs?
lindenkron said:
Wrote this in another thread as well Kore:

Could you please supply information showing Hamstring is gone? It says level 14 in the thread with source made by Duckhunt. Also the level on mmo says 20 for Piercing howl?

MMO-Champion - Warrior Cataclysm shows hamstring as level 26. Duckhunts thread, although relatively new, is out of date.

Wowhead and MMO seem to agree on this

Hamstring - Spell - World of Warcraft

Hamstring - Spells - Sigrie - This is the correct hamstring, of the many that are on the MMO db since here it is the only one that says requires battle or zerker stance, and it is the only one that says "Arms" in the skill column

Piercing howl is a tier 2 fury talent in the most recently updated cataclysm talent trees on MMO WoW Talent Calculator - Sigrie
You made a small mistake Kore but overall nice list of the latest changes.

And now the mistake:

what you say:

- Shadowstep will no longer increase the damage of your next Ambush or Garrotte

And mmo-champion:

- Shadowstep no increases the damage of your next Ambush or Garrote. (Old - Increased the damage of the next ability)

The reason you got it wrong is because of a typo in the mmo version

the mmo version should read

- Shadowstep now increases the damage of your next Ambush or Garrote. (Old - Increased the damage of the next ability)

So it used to increase the damage of any of your next attack by 20% and now only if it's a ambush or garrote by 20%
Trespasser said:
You made a small mistake Kore but overall nice list of the latest changes.

And now the mistake:

what you say:

And mmo-champion:

The reason you got it wrong is because of a typo in the mmo version

the mmo version should read

- Shadowstep now increases the damage of your next Ambush or Garrote. (Old - Increased the damage of the next ability)

So it used to increase the damage of any of your next attack by 20% and now only if it's a ambush or garrote by 20%

k, fixed. thanks
i don t know about piercing howl ... but it seems to be avaible in Lich as well... for level 29... but what about conccusion blow? i mean... it really pwns... too bad it doesn t have 15 yards rage ... that would ve been ousoum!
Losing hamstring would hurt, hopefully they'll change it back since hamstring makes leveling a hell of a lot easier. I would hate to have to rely on hunters to spam slows on a druid.
Rivfader said:
Losing hamstring would hurt, hopefully they'll change it back since hamstring makes leveling a hell of a lot easier. I would hate to have to rely on hunters to spam slows on a druid.

Piercing shout would make a nice replacement. Same rage cost, aoe, increased range, but only lasts 6 seconds. You wouldnt be able to get shield slam or MS with it though, sadly, but Bloodthirst doesnt look bad.
* Earth Shield is now trained at level 10. (Down from 50)


I thought restos were already getting it at 10, does this mean that restos might get something else at 10 too?
Kore nametooshort said:
Piercing shout would make a nice replacement. Same rage cost, aoe, increased range, but only lasts 6 seconds. You wouldnt be able to get shield slam or MS with it though, sadly, but Bloodthirst doesnt look bad.

Piercing howl is a piss-poor substitute for hamstring.
Rivfader said:
Piercing howl is a piss-poor substitute for hamstring.

Piss poor? Same rage, double the range affects everything within range rather than one target but lasts for 6 seconds instead of 10. Might be wrong on this but I don't think druids can shapeshift out of a daze either. That is huge..... Seems like more gains than losses to me. Ok you have to spec fury to get it but that atm is not so bad. +3% hit is huge, duel wield offers more stats or procs and will give the best damage in rage starved situations. Bloodthirst will give good damage and survivability. Not bad from where I am sitting.
plobb said:
Piss poor? Same rage, double the range affects everything within range rather than one target but lasts for 6 seconds instead of 10. Might be wrong on this but I don't think druids can shapeshift out of a daze either. That is huge..... Seems like more gains than losses to me. Ok you have to spec fury to get it but that atm is not so bad. +3% hit is huge, duel wield offers more stats or procs and will give the best damage in rage starved situations. Bloodthirst will give good damage and survivability. Not bad from where I am sitting.

I have to agree. And druids cannot indeed shift out of daze. The utility of Fury might not be quite up to scratch compared with prot or arms, but piercing howl is definately not a fail substitute, unless it has a CD that i have failed to spot.
It is piss-poor, you trade MS, HS, and rend for gimped HS and gimped rend off of a 1H wep and a trash instant attack (BT). Yes, daze can be shifted out of Kore, do you sit in conc shots on your druid? On top of that any druid that has any skill at powershifting can eventually get away from a warrior, the only thing that prevents that from happening is a hamstring glyph proc that gives you that extra second to close some distance.
Rivfader said:
It is piss-poor, you trade MS, HS, and rend for gimped HS and gimped rend off of a 1H wep and a trash instant attack (BT). Yes, daze can be shifted out of Kore, do you sit in conc shots on your druid? On top of that any druid that has any skill at powershifting can eventually get away from a warrior, the only thing that prevents that from happening is a hamstring glyph proc that gives you that extra second to close some distance.

Oh yeah, conc is a daze, i was working on the crushing blow and AoC daze's which cannot be shifted/trinketed out. My bad. And it is indeed easy enough to powershift away from a warrior, even without grasp. Though the extra range of the shout will allow the warrior to keep the druid slowed just that much longer.

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