Latest cata stuff

Heroic strike is not based on weapon speed anymore. Arms talents increase damage of HS by 15% and fury increases its crit chance by 10%. Fury will therefore have the more consistantly bursty HS out of the 2 specs. I fail to see how bloodthirst is a trash attack - AP/2 is decent damage and thats before its high crit rate. It has a shorter CD than MS too and costs substancially less rage.
Kore nametooshort said:
Oh yeah, conc is a daze, i was working on the crushing blow and AoC daze's which cannot be shifted/trinketed out. My bad. And it is indeed easy enough to powershift away from a warrior, even without grasp. Though the extra range of the shout will allow the warrior to keep the druid slowed just that much longer.

Slowed that much longer, but still able to get away, hamstring glyph proc is what makes it impossible for them to escape me atm (unless no one purges NG). MS is also going to be the strongest healing debuff available, you would have to be insane not to take that. Prot is really the only other viable choice because it allows you to outlast an opponent. Fury doesn't have the pressure of arms or the survivability of prot.
plobb said:
Heroic strike is not based on weapon speed anymore. Arms talents increase damage of HS by 15% and fury increases its crit chance by 10%. Fury will therefore have the more consistantly bursty HS out of the 2 specs. I fail to see how bloodthirst is a trash attack - AP/2 is decent damage and thats before its high crit rate. It has a shorter CD than MS too and costs substancially less rage.

Shield Slam is 100% ap, so it scales much much better than bloodthirst, plus the dispell is more use than the heal.

Rivfader said:
Slowed that much longer, but still able to get away, hamstring glyph proc is what makes it impossible for them to escape me atm (unless no one purges NG). MS is also going to be the strongest healing debuff available, you would have to be insane not to take that. Prot is really the only other viable choice because it allows you to outlast an opponent. Fury doesn't have the pressure of arms or the survivability of prot.

With healers having stronger/more heals and more spell power and with the removal of the 10% healing debuff in BGs i really dont see a 25% MS effect really affecting me too much. Throughput really isnt too much of an issue in my experience, and mana is more of an issue. 25% will be more annoying imo than gamebreaking. Dispells and 100% ap scaling with shield slam make prot more attractive to me anyway. As a druid a manaless dispell fills me with dread, and the fact that it hits like a truck isnt good either. I probably wont be speccing Arms, the power of shield slam, and the utility of fury, well piercing shout, is more attractive to me
- Looks like both rets and prots will have Judgements of the wise built in

Ghostcrawler said:
Ret and Prot generate mana on Judgement passively. Ret then has a 1 point talent to add Replenishment to that effect.


- Shamans will still have access to Ancestral Swiftness in enhance tree. It was removed as a bug. They will only be able to put 1 point in it though.

- Locks will have Drain Life's damage increased it seems. source
Kore nametooshort said:
Looks like both rets and prots will have Judgements of the wise built in


Shamans will still have access to Ancestral Swiftness in enhance tree. It was removed as a bug. They will only be able to put 1 point in it though.

Prot palas are back! However, sooo much changes on beta atm. They removed Divine Storm from the game in the latest build (saw a livestream today). It's currently not even in the game.. Prot gaining more and more! I'm loving it :p
Also rets will no longer be getting insane mp5, this has been changed to a place holder. We can expect rets and prots to have pretty similar mana return.
Latest Beta build.

Druid (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)


Starsurge is now a baseline spell.

Owlkin Frenzy is now a Tier 4 talent. Down from Tier 5.

Lunar Guidance is now a Tier 3 talent. Down from Tier 4.

Planetary Alignment is gone.

Balance of Power is now a Tier 2 talent. Down from Tier 3.

Lunar Justice is gone.

Moonkin Form is now a Tier 3 talent.

Typhoon is now a Tier 3 talent.

Earth and Moon - Your Wrath and Starfire spells have a 100% chance to apply the Earth and Moon effect, which increases spell damage taken by 2/5% for 12 sec. Also increases your spell damage by 2/4%.

Nature's Majesty - Increases the critical strike chance of your Wrath, Starfire, Starfall, Nourish and Healing Touch spells by 2/4%.


Primal Fury has an additional effect - your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 50/100% chance to add an additional combo point.

Ferocity is gone.


Wild Growth is now a Tier 5 talent. Down from Tier 6.

Swiftmend is now a primary skill.

Empowered Touch is now a Tier 4 talent. Down from Tier 5.

Natural Perfection is now a Tier 6 talent. Up from Tier 5.

Fury of Stormrage is now a Tier 5 talent. Up from Tier 4.

Master Shapeshifter - Grants an effect which lasts while the Druid is within the respective shapeshift form. Bear Form - Increases physical damage by 2%. Cat Form - Increases critical strike chance by 2%. Moonkin Form - Increases spell damage by 2%. Tree of Life/Caster Form - Increases healing by 2%. /

From a Twink perspective it looks like resto droods would get somthing else than Swiftmend when picking restoration three at lvl 10.

Lets pray for tree form:D
plobb said:
Heroic strike is not based on weapon speed anymore.

It is a weapon damage attack so it is still based off of weapon speed, except now it will be spammable. Think of it as an instan 115% weapon damage plus bonus damage (talented in arms of course)

plobb said:
Arms talents increase damage of HS by 15% and fury increases its crit chance by 10%. Fury will therefore have the more consistantly bursty HS out of the 2 specs.

115% wep damage + bonus using a BAR or 10% higher chance to crit with 100% wep damage + bonus using CB. Hmmmmmmmm which is more bursty . . . .

plobb said:


plobb said:
AP/2 is decent damage and thats before its high crit rate. It has a shorter CD than MS too and costs substancially less rage.

50% AP, assuming that we somehow pull 50 more AP out of our ass in cata (probably not though) thats still only 200 damage (before armor reduction) and a trash heal. Now take a look at MS (which will be the improved version that is currently only available through talents) which will be 110% wep damage + bonus and will give THE STRONGEST HEALING DEBUFF IN GAME. Also remember that 10% increased 2h damage will be built into the arms tree so you can multiply MS and HS by 10% again. Thats a lot to trade away for a slow that can't even be glyphed into a root proc (which is the only reason hamstring is still so powerful against druids). The only good part of fury will be lolBTcrits with dual saders procced, so it's really more lolsy than anything. Think about it, 49s have access to both BT and MS and which one do they choose time and time again?

@Kore: A healing debuff should scare you, it wont be as game-breaking as it currently is but the reduced MS effects coincide with an overall reduction in the amount of damage and healing players will be putting out. I would expect it to remain very potent.
The 25% healing debuff will be impressive at 10-19 in pre-debuff offenses against EFCs. The burst potential of Fury will be lower than Arms or Prot even while equipping a 2h themselves.

Avenger shield silence is interesting. It's an individual nerf to be certain, but if the silence also goes to the secondary targets, then HOLY SHIT!!! It's a nerf but damn is it the sort of nerf you can have fun with in a BG.
Rivfader said:
@Kore: A healing debuff should scare you, it wont be as game-breaking as it currently is but the reduced MS effects coincide with an overall reduction in the amount of damage and healing players will be putting out. I would expect it to remain very potent.

The reduced healing and damage at 85 wont correlate to level 19. As far as i can tell, all sources or damage and healing will most likely be increasing. Due to that, i still remain to be convinced of the effectiveness of MS, sure it would be very nice to have, but not worth giving up shield slam or piercing howl for. Also, explain to me how glyph or hamstring is so gamebreaking? It can be shifted out of, and at best it only provides you a second more ToT.
UmpteenthTwink said:
Plobb, You just admited you fail.


Yep. I made an error on the original post. I dont take this all too seriously though. I find the changes the most interesting thing ever to happen to twinking. It may wreak the bracket but it will be a fun ride.

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