Korgath Arena Server


A F2P server made for arenas. This is Korgath US, and we welcome all who are interested. We hope to have arenas going all of the time, and many people to que with.​

The server is Alliance heavy right now but we are starting up Horde.

Server Info:
If you roll an OP class, it may put you at a disadvantage if people don't want to play with you or against you, so think before you choose what class you want to play. Considered OP classes in f2p arenas are Warriors and Feral druids at the moment. It is fine if you wan't to roll one of these classes, because I am sure you will find people to play with and against, but just not as much as you would playing a different class, but if it is what you have the most fun playing as, go for it. There is always a shortage on healers though if you may be interested in playing one in arenas :).

Tournaments and Events:
We plan to have tournaments and events on this server, and they will have rules in order to make sure everything is fair. Nerfs may be issued to certain classes. Links to tournament and event threads will be posted here.

Skype Group:
We have a skype group which people on the server can type in and see who's down to do some arenas. If you would like to be added to the group, PM me your skype info and I'll add ya in

Cross Realm Zoning Characters:
We will cross realm zone your toon to play arenas to see if you wan't to join Korgath. You will only get xrz'd a limited amount of times before we stop xrzing your toon, because we want people to play on Korgath. We do play against other teams on other servers through xrz though.

Class Balance:
Recently we have been experimenting with gear on certain classes to balance them out. An example of this would be with rogues atm since they can one shot people we have been using white daggers to reduce the damage.

Live Streams and Videos:
My livestream is Hylunn and youtube HylunnArenas and I plan on streaming arenas here. If anyone else plans on streaming their own arenas or making videos, tell me and I will gladly post it up on the thread. Live streaming and recording arena games is a great way to improve yourself by going back and watching your matches, seeing what you could do better the next time.

Stream List:
enzada (recently quit but has some vods)

A lovely podcast by the people over at Twinking.net that play here: 15 Minutes with HB Episode 12 – f2p Arenas | Twinking.net

For those new to the f2p addon, if you used to roll alone on another server, here is a link to a thread on how to get it / use it.: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/yasuehs-macros-addons-f2p-21104/

If anyone ever needs help with anything, I will always be available when I'm on the server or on TI to help you out. My character in-game is Dorfystein and Hylunn. To all of you making toons I can't wait to see you there. And if you decide to roll here, if you could post your toon's name I would appreciate it.

Hey all! This is just a small update on the arena server people are joining in on. Figured i'd throw my support behind the idea, as Im always down to help others and get the interested in something new.

About 41% of the community there is composed of players that have never done arena before, so for any players wary of joining the scene, you arent alone. There are other players here that you can start improving against that are at your current skill level, and are as baffled as you are when it comes to what to do in an arena match.

Keep in mind the server is not ONLY for arena, plenty of players still enjoy BGs just like any other server. With plenty of P2Ps around, grouping is never an issue. If you simply want a fresh start, or a new toon, come here and meet new people to play with :]

For those still unsure, some of the players more versed with the arena scene are happy to offer you their help and teach! If you're interested in becoming a skilled arena player, come and try it out. All players listed below will take time to guide you if needed:


Should you have any other questions feel free to PM me or ask here!


Shout out to Kochi, R1 P2P and game organizer

GO TO THIS THREAD AND POST NAME OF TOON ON SERVER: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f180/korgath-us-arena-server-48816/#post657467
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There are going to be some changes on our server. Changes for the better that will help our community grow.

Korgath Horde:

Korgath is now going branching out to Horde. Me and a few others have decided to start leveling up horde toons to bring in even more games and many other players.

New Que Zone & World PvP:

We will now mostly que for arenas in Dalaran Sewers. Why Dalaran Sewers you ask? Because there we can que cross faction and duel, can see all our cross faction friends, AND something that really excites me, WPvP!

How will we WPvP in Dal? Well there is a portal in dal that will take you down into Crystalsong Forest. The area you port down to is fairly big and has no mobs to attack you. This makes for a very easily accessible WPvP Zone.


XRZ Rules:

Now regarding Cross Realm Zone Players, we have been very generous enough to allow them to play with us whenever they want, basically becoming a part of our community. We are now tightening up on this and laying down some ground rules.

XRZing players now will not be a permanent luxury anymore, if you want to play on Korgath and you enjoy our players company and our community then you should come join us.

XRZ will now be used for allowing players from other servers to enjoy only a FEW of our lovely Korgath matches and to see our wonderful community.


SKYPE GROUP will be for KORGATH PLAYERS ONLY from now on. The only exception to all of these rules is if the character is a p2p.

Class balance:

Kochi has drawn up a few rules to balance games for our arenas.

- level 3 dagger from Goldshire vendor
- only Assassination spec

- level 3 weapon from Goldshire vendor

- level 3 bow from SW trade center
- Marksmen spec
- no Aspect of Hawk

- no Feral spec (Guardian is fine)

undecided, needs more testing

- - - AGM - - -

The AGM bubble is not allowed unless both teams agree to use it for the match.

- - - P2P rules - - -

For those using P2P account the restrictions are:
- no guild BoA
- no chants over skill 100

Raid Call:

We now have a RC for the server, the ID is : 6193589

Overall its a major improvement to the Korgath community and will hopefully make games more balanced, and our server much stronger.
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I have a 90 there and the f2p chat is dead 90% of the time. at the most you'll see 6-7 people online and only 1 or 2 of them would be willing to arena.

i will admit that the server does have potential.
There used to be instances where 3-4 teams would be queueing a night, but wizkid had to go on a trip to dubai, and so his team has stopped doing games, which in turn made the rosey/arlanda/miso team stop queueing, and so now I'm one of the only people who logs on daily :/

Would be AWESOME to get this server back up top again.

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