King cripz dethroned high king dhenurd

Okay, to be clearer, don't make statements implying that other members have feeble minds again please.
Teacher leave them kids alone.
Went there. It was a bit dull - but, then, there was no high king present.

I am flattered,but i am afraid you might be giving me more reputation that i actually do have.
I was somewhat busy today,
Just yell a time and i shall contact my mage assistants for a portal.

Edit - yes my cover has been blown,i was serving my duty in magtheridon mines

I am flattered,but i am afraid you might be giving me more reputation that i actually do have.
I was somewhat busy today,
Just yell a time and i shall contact my mage assistants for a portal.

I understand you are there tonight, but I will be busy for some time, hosting other nerds. Many apologies.

I understand you are there tonight, but I will be busy for some time, hosting other nerds. Many apologies.

Your intel from cripz was unfortunately wrong anyway.
I was there at the said time,for 30 more minutes so thanks god you couldnt make it.
You are forgiven regardless.
//tips lucky fishing hat
Your majesty is most gracious.

Not really my friend
only to few who deserve it,which can pretty much be counted on my fingers,granted that my left hand only has middle finger left,as i had to take some names off the list.

-With hopes of a decent tuesday,Douchenurd the First

eidt - 420th post, to all nature lovers, kite up in my name fellas
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