Hello local minions and self proclaimed king Cripz.
You may calm down.
I have met my defeat yesterday.
But only my fabulous spiky hairstyle and nonexistant epeen got injured.
I might take your request to stop playing my brewpeenbooster seriously.
Regardless. See you folks in the field.
/tips Lucky Fishing Crown
Btw stan send me your btag
time to reroll feral ))
ahh yes . . . the good old D & D days. when i started playing wow i had high hopes for some good role playing in game. so did the wow designers when they created the RP servers like emerald dream.Doth thou jest!? Personally speaking, I find it mildly entertaining to watch/read. I can see how It can be fun to flex your writing/creative skills as well. WoW pulls a lot from oldschool D&D, which had players roleplaying "irl". So It's not surprising that aspect carried over as well when the game launched. Especially considering the nature of the game. No longer did you have to imagine the settings, the classes, the spells or the baddies. You could see them and interact with them, along with your friends/clan.
ahh yes . . . the good old D & D days. when i started playing wow i had high hopes for some good role playing in game. so did the wow designers when they created the RP servers like emerald dream.
Alas it was not to be. there iss NO rp in wow. try it . . . and be met with utter silence and disbelief from the chat pane. sad sad sad.
its ok though. in the end you bunch of wierdos intellectuals and underaged battle axe bearers make up for it.
kiss kiss hug hug.
There's some role-playing going on on Scarshield Legion/Ravenholdt/etc in the EU, although because I can't be part of a guild and it's not obvious who is actually a role-player my own experiencs have been limited to a slightly disturbing dwarf player telling me to dance for him. I was more than a little suspicious of his motivations, so I did a little dance in cat form.
He moaned for a bit and shut up.
You can very much assume that my pacifism is a role-playing thing too. I'm not being irritating for no reason.
There's some role-playing going on on Scarshield Legion/Ravenholdt/etc in the EU
cool, we can roleplay together :^)
I fear you are too dedicated to the horde for me to interact with you on a regular basis, your majesty, but i thank you for the honour.
I have never been to Dalaran.
Can't you only get there with P2P help?
Well, maybe then.
i never understood why people RP nor the funny side too it.
What an amazing display of constructive criticism! Would you please elaborate the meaning of this post or how you enjoy 9gag?
Getting a little beyond the pale there, Junoo.