Keybindings and moving for 20-24 twinks!

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Solo comes back to game after a vacation and talks a big game to f2ps lol. Horde had highest win % want a challenge solo que as alliance.

As for Hc you guys got overshadowed by Pizza. Big game for Holy Crit #3 or #4 best guild in 24s Maybe.
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Solo comes back to game after a vacation and talks a big game to f2ps lol. Horde had highest win % want a challenge solo que as alliance.

As for Hc you guys got overshadowed by Pizza. Big game for Holy Crit #3 or #4 best guild in 24s Maybe.

explain to me were came on this forum just talking shit for the talk of it, I have nothing against f2p. I have something against people who suck and talk shit about my guild so that's when I say you fight me or don't talk it's simple. " back up what you say' and I always solo que on my mage any of my toons for that fact, my guild isn't as active as it was before but I still solo que my vids are all me solo que
dude reply with some sense of maturity otherwise all your achieveing is making a fool out of yourself.

3rd time, stay small.

Yeah I'm making myself look like a fool, I rather look like than a bitch, who's scared to back up his words, trust me that's called a man move accepting a challenge you should try it
Let me get this straight - are you trying to pressure f2p's in to fighting your 24?
Not even close, I'm just taking any challenges since all the 20's have something to say.. Your forgetting that they are starting the problem with my guild try reading more
Not even close, I'm just taking any challenges since all the 20's have something to say.. Your forgetting that they are starting the problem with my guild try reading more

Sounds to me like your guild started problems with them first.
It's funnier watching them think that they have a sense of superiority by keybinding

typically 19s have better keybinds/skill as playing the bracket(being objective based) required you to you outplay/outclick your opponents.

whereas f2ps seems like alot of 1v1/mid farming and only a select few wana play flags.

hence why 19s>f2p everytime.
typically 19s have better keybinds/skill as playing the bracket(being objective based) required you to you outplay/outclick your opponents.

whereas f2ps seems like alot of 1v1/mid farming and only a select few wana play flags.

hence why 19s>f2p everytime.

where do the '24 vets' fit in to this?
typically 19s have better keybinds/skill as playing the bracket(being objective based) required you to you outplay/outclick your opponents.

whereas f2ps seems like alot of 1v1/mid farming and only a select few wana play flags.

hence why 19s>f2p everytime.
If your logic flows, it should be 19s>f2p typically.

Also, I'm not sure what you're trying to say about what you quoted. My intent was to hint that this thread was generated by an abrasive hick who seems to believe in their lv24 vet status as credible
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If your logic flows, it should be 19s>f2p typically.

Also, I'm not sure what you're trying to say about what you quoted. My intent was to hint that this thread was generated by an abrasive hick who seems to believe in their lv24 vet status as credible

yeah i agree, most maybe all 24s are backwards raditor lickers who define skill as "killings f2ps".

my point was that 19s typically have a high skill level ( if you wana call it that) due to the competitiveness of 19s. cant say much of 24s as most are pve heros that havent even attempted end game arena and yet they still have egos, tbh that aspect is beyond me.
Lol seriously we didn't start shit... This is suppose to be an informative video for laughs or to learn if you need it. As for the troll yeah your right about us not having the best geared people or best skill cap but our good players are good enough to carry a game against another premade. Honestly if me ,eazyk acupuncture or somfas arnt on usually there is no leader in that premade. Hence a bunch of our guildie s having fun. Plus sorry we don't have try outs... Like a highschool basketball team. Instead we accept all people that just wanna have fun. There are many other good guildies but they arnt as dedicated.

Thanks for all the opinions
You are correct tho I will never do end game arena cause I'm a lvl 24 #stay small troll
But guess what, as long as all I gotta do is win ws g and arathi. I am not interested. You wanna bring end game content to the 24 bracket lol gl explaining what the lich-king is to a trial.

you have step into the arena ach.

Achievements - Community - World of Warcraft

if you 2k in 3s i would shut up and apologized, but claiming you've never played end game arena yet have this achievement says your lair, thus losing what little respect from tI you had.
Bring on the 19s the more the merrier. You realize its amazing how you think I don't use keybinds even tho I am so hard to kill...haha sure I'm a vet ill take it.

Keep showing it to ur guildies and friends .:)
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