it's not "blizzard", why do you think they have not put level requirement on the hat of STV ? they even gave it to the experience eliminator, proof that they acknowledge it, there might be a level requirement for fishing poles eventually, but I doubt it. The blue hat will never have a level requirement, the chances of having it ar close to nothing... I didnt loot a shark yet... and even if you loot one, u have 1/100 = 2 years, and if u loot only one shark once every 2 weeks, that's 4 years... 2014. For the poles you ca multiply that for each of them 2018-2020 or 2014-2016 for any of the 2 poles... give or take a few years... might get still working in 2020...
and this is if you have no competition...
But would you seriously run around hitting with a fishing pole ? I might do it once in a while but not often tbh... not close to remotely fun, even if deadly...but we arent alrdy deadly aren't we ?
The hat is ok, they will NEVER nerf it... it's just the big brother version of the other, + doubled by the fact that twink are dying, and disappearing, so hey it's not their main concern. The green hat you have a shot at it in 2-3 weeks, the other one you have a shoot at it in hundreds of weeks... I think the 30 extra stamina is paid nice and clean... Obviously the one lucky enought to get it on the first bag... will get paid by everyone of us who do not ever get it... frustrating to say the least...
And there is no need to "not tell" your brother, Blizzard knows it, they are not stupid...If they didn't want low level to have a shot, they would have put a level requiremend of 70 to start with, they know exaclty what lay behind when they allow a level 1 to acess anything, they are very carefully of it. They just know the odds, of getting thoses things are close to nothing. They should start by moving the turn in NPC. The contest lasting a few seconds, with 15 seconds advantage to alliance imply that most if not all winners are bound to be alliance... And not only I told my brother, but I made a in game request to, hopefully this would be changed soon (when I mean soon, in 6 months... like the SoTA ^^), so horde can actually stand a chance at winning that thing
Secondly, why do you think that hat, has 40 stamina ? I think they designed the Kalu'ak contest ages ago, even before wotlk was shipped... They made that hat a replica to the other one, knowing that the STV hat had a whole history behind, and quite popular among twinks. I don't think it's underlooked that we can get that new hat... even by "we can", it means we have 1/10000 to 1/20000 chances every time we cast our pole in a pool, against around 1/300 for the STV hat. And for each of the pole up to 1/40000.
In my mind they didn't designed that hat for the fishing daily but for Kalu'ak, except that this contest was only implemented lately in 3.3.
The droprate difference justify the stats.
Laslty, I don't recall anybody loosing any item they ever get, they can do whatever they want with enchants, putting level requirement, turning it around, removing everything enchant if they want to, tomorrow. But you will NEVER loose any items you ever get. So if you can wear that hat, and thoses poles today, you should normally do it tomorrow no matter what. Even that ring that someone looted at molten core one day, it was only accessible for one night or so, the guy never lost it, even tho nobody else ever got it. The furbolg pouch they never put a level requirement for it, they just changed how the spell work, preventing it to being cast by a low level... So I firmly believe, even if you tell all your brothers, thoses items would never have level requirement, I just hope that I loot the hat and not the pole...
However there might be a few scenarios where you do loose something, I remember owning the Karazhan key on my 69 rogue, when we couldn't get any summon at tempest keep (part of the chain), I managed to get up there, like Son'goku cimbling at the top of the Karin tower, and jumping from the Eye tower in slow fall... They stole my key. :x
But well it's still very rare.