Just a shout out to wizfaggot, fail, and the other joke!

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yes I hate MLP so I take jabs whenever I can but its very unprofessional so I didn't wanna post myself.
Don't reply to him , he cant beat u , he just has a large imagination.
He feels like its him against the world but its his fault he left other tourney and people don't like em on the arena scene as much now.

thats too bad i really wanted to see these 2 teams face off i wonder if wizkids team only won cus of MLP?
Wait, I missed my cue.

Uh, um. Wizkid is really bad. He stinks.

If I had to choose between a raccoon with the motor skills necessary to play WoW and Wizkid, I would choose the raccoon.

What a bunch of kosers. Hmm. Script says kosers... probably supposed to be losers...

[Exeunt Stage Left]
Let me say this again because clearly you missed it the first hundred times

Ban MLP if you hate it so much you fucking idiot

I don't like banning any class or comp I feel like to be the best you gotta be able to beat the best comps even if I don't like them.
I don't like banning any class or comp I feel like to be the best you gotta be able to beat the best comps even if I don't like them.
You wanted to ban ferals and allow 28 hunters because you wanted class diversity, but banning the one OP comp that rolls over everything is suddenly a step too far?

As for the best being able to beat the best comps, that's so far from the truth i'm convinced you're still in troll mode and trying to goad me on for more replies.
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