joining the lvl 10 bandwagon...

Quara said:
This whole idea gets a lot better now that they're changing Resilience! Does the percent reduced stay constant no matter what level your attacker is? That might be GG.

Head: Lucky Fishing Hat (+15 Stam)

Neck: Voice Amplification Module (10% less silence/interrupt)

Shoulders: Aged Pauldrons of the Five Thunders (+3 Stam/+2 Int/+3 Resil (3.12%)/+3 Spell)

Back: Acidproof Cloak, +70 Armor (+3 Stam)

Chest: Haliscan Jacket, +15 Resilience Rating -or- +15 Defense Rating?

Bracer: Savannah Bracers, +9 Stam (+12 Stam)

Gloves: Hunting Gloves, +15 Agi (+17 Agi/+1 Stam)

Pants: Embossed Leather Pants, +40 Armor (+2 Stam/+3 Agi)

Belt: Bard's Belt of Defense? (+3 Defense)

Boots: Rambling Boots, +Minor Speed (+3 Agi/+1 Stam)

Ring #1: The 1 Ring (+1 Stat)

Ring #2: I guess...The 1 Ring (+1 Stat)

Trinket #1: Inherited Insignia of the Horde (+4 Resil (4.16%))

Trinket #2: Arena Grand Master (+12 Stam)

Weapon: Sharpened Scarlet Kris, +22 Int (+22 Int/+2 Stam/+1 Resil (1.04%)/+3 AP)

Off-Hand: Furbolg Medicine Pouch (+10 Stam)

Or you could go Grand Staff of Jordan for an extra 3 resil at the cost of 6 stam :/ Not worth it imo.

This adds up to: +63 Stamina, +26 Intellect, +25 Agility, +23 Resilience Rating (23.5% Reduction/crit), and some +defense.

Thoughts? I'm sure that's not perfect, but it's a start

I thought of this too Quara, but on the PTR it seems to have been fixed before it even started -.- On line 1resilience = 1% at level 10, on the PTR - 1 resilience = 0.08% at level 10...I really hope its a bug, lols
Most probably, like 19s were aloud to que for EoTS and AB in PTR, but it was fixed. Or maybe resil will scale oppositely, meaning, the higher level the better the stat gets?
Twinkytoes said:
Most probably, like 19s were aloud to que for EoTS and AB in PTR, but it was fixed. Or maybe resil will scale oppositely, meaning, the higher level the better the stat gets?

then fix my damn defense rating gear and make it normal again like it use to be!

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