I would... not. Unless you're a 300 pound bodybuilder?
Dudes eating 2 pounds of meat and a dozen eggs a day, not to mention probably what... 300g of carbs? And he's in a prep phase and taking equine levels of anabolics.
You should eat for your size, body composition and activity level. Just like you don't start lifting by throwing 500# on the bar and trying to squat it, you dont start eating "right" by looking at what a dude does in the prime of his sports career and copy it. You gotta start small.
If you're curious what that looks like, I highly recommend the Renaissance Periodization app. We used that with a bunch of my lifters and saw them not just lean out but get stronger. It's $15 a month but you can follow its recommendations for a few months and get a good feel for it, and then just stop paying if that's a concern. I think there's even pirated spreadsheets out there for free if youre curious. Its really not hard to comprehend stuff, the app just makes it simple (and generates a shopping list every week, which I love because Im lazy)