Javascript Error Notice

Alright. I just disabled EVERY single vBulletin addon.

Are you guys still getting the error now? Dump your cache / cookies as well.

After doing a full wipe of the last month and history and all that I am still getting the same message.

I'm not a computer wiz by any means but wouldn't the logical thing be to look at everything added/updated in the last 2 weeks on here and see if this java bug was thrown in there or something? It has to be recent and it has to be only for this site so maybe vBulletin or wordpress or w/e added some new code that has a virus attached with it? Idk lol just throwing ideas out there
@shane just some things I noticed are missing.
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Name colour of thread creators and latest post.
Global stickys
@shane just some things I noticed are missing.
Like features
Name colour of thread creators and latest post.
Global stickys

The main reason why that and many other features are missing is because Shane disabled all addons. He mentioned that just a few posts back.
For some reason when i try to go directly to the site i get this [h=1]Server error[/h]The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
[h=2]Here are some suggestions:[/h]

HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

But when i use chrome to search for a specific section of the site i can get in.. dunno if this helps, but i figured i would post just in case.
As I am not experiencing the popup, it makes even more difficult to troubleshoot.

I don't need people breathing down my neck about it either. What the hell is that going to help?

This site is not my full-time job and I am doing the best I can. It is pretty simple -- don't visit the site when it is infected. I just need some people to check back every now and again to tell me if the error is still showing up.

I changed the style back to the default to see if the code was injected into the style.

Are you guys still getting the issue now?
As I am not experiencing the popup, it makes even more difficult to troubleshoot.

I don't need people breathing down my neck about it either. What the hell is that going to help?

This site is not my full-time job and I am doing the best I can. It is pretty simple -- don't visit the site when it is infected. I just need some people to check back every now and again to tell me if the error is still showing up.

I changed the style back to the default to see if the code was injected into the style.

Are you guys still getting the issue now?

This format is trippy lol but I am no longer seeing the message either. Atleast whatever you took out or did to make it white like this you know the virus/bug was in that part.
I don't see the "Bot Verification" pop-up anymore on IE or Chrome.

Thanks for all of your efforts to fix this!!!
Thank you, man! So glad my virus scanner's a boss though, but could you consider us going back to the old colours?

I have to find the malware injection before I can put the other skin back up and that is going to take time. Just bare with me.

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