I've been cleaving 24 hunters all morning

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Official Hunter Counter, 2H Fury Warrior. Roll yours today!


(Yes, I know I don't have a ranged slot >.> Just started my epicly long ashenvale quest for my ranged weapon)

Making a guide as soon as it fits into my scheduel.

On a lighter note, I'm never rolling hunter again, I've deleted my hunter, and I apologize to the F2P community. After playing a raw melee class I've seen how detrimental they are to the bracket. So we need more counters!
your hunter counter...

is the most underpowered...

least mobile class...?

Unless you can 2-3 shot a hunter I don't see how.
Official Hunter Counter, 2H Fury Warrior. Roll yours today!


(Yes, I know I don't have a ranged slot >.> Just started my epicly long ashenvale quest for my ranged weapon)

Making a guide as soon as it fits into my scheduel.

On a lighter note, I'm never rolling hunter again, I've deleted my hunter, and I apologize to the F2P community. After playing a raw melee class I've seen how detrimental they are to the bracket. So we need more counters!

Yeah, I'm still gearing. Half way through questing for Most Trusted, And still mid-ashenvale for my XBow. Also need my 10 stam 7 crit legs which would put my Bloodthirst crit at 30%.

Strategy you say? To be honest, it all depends on the start of the encounter, but it's the only effective hunter counter we really have other than Priest. Charge + Piercing Howl = Dead Hunter.

Now I know what you're thinking, that's under ideal conditions, but compared to other classes, I now survive 70% more hunter encounters. (and I've played the two most OP classes in the bracket

Not to mention that Warrior Damage is just flat out impressive. I topped the boards earlier and alliance had 6 hunters on their team, I was maybe in 2nd or 3rd to the two best hunters.

Basically, you won't see this method working against the good hunters, but thank god there's only 3 of them on Alliance side. Honestly I don't mind if a skilled hunter kills me. But now I'm guaranteed to kill any backpeddling jerkoff that could have killed me on my paladin due to the fact that I'd be at 50% movement speed the entire fight.

Also, On a good hit, my Bloodthirst can deal around 360 damage. Once I've snared a hunter into my mobile death machine, the fight only lasts 15 seconds at the most. Some would say dual weild, but the self heals don't make up for the damage loss and the fact that you're a glass cannon so go 2h and enjoy the extra 3% hit.
Never said warrior does it better or worst than any other class, the point that I'm driving at is that Hunters can keep every class and only on occassion warriors, at 40 yards with a constant 50% slow. Warrior comes into play because Warriors can keep hunters in their dead zone at a constant 50% slow.

What I've been doing is hanging back in the group until a hunter shows up, then taking him out before he can nuke half my party from the tunnel when we're at mid.
i think you are confused about what a "counter" is. but i applaud you for making a warrior and successfully fighting hunters. usually i wait for them to disengage before i charge - this makes them a little more manageable
i think you are confused about what a "counter" is. but i applaud you for making a warrior and successfully fighting hunters. usually i wait for them to disengage before i charge - this makes them a little more manageable

When fighting them you can also try to stay downslope. Most of them will just disengage into a hill and not really go anywhere.
Never said warrior does it better or worst than any other class, the point that I'm driving at is that Hunters can keep every class and only on occassion warriors, at 40 yards with a constant 50% slow. Warrior comes into play because Warriors can keep hunters in their dead zone at a constant 50% slow.

What I've been doing is hanging back in the group until a hunter shows up, then taking him out before he can nuke half my party from the tunnel when we're at mid.
I was merely pointing out that ferals get WAY more ToT than warriors
damn what's with those 2 priests on the alliance team? wonder how they felt when they did stockades for the first time and realized that eyepatch is a leather item
Isnt charge usable only out of combat? What do you do If you charge, and then the huntard wingclip+disengage? (If you trinket the huntard he still got conc and scatter)
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