It's Called Containing vs Sneer of Cold Command


ICC would like to thank SCC for and excellent array of games and hopes to challenge them again in the future. Below is the video of game 4.

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

ICC's range stomp team with 3 heals + Warrior FC & Rogue EFC hunter, shit is scary.

This is why i only 2v2/3v3.

Well played both teams.
Really cool to see that theres premades going on at 24, keep it up!
Not too bad.
Typical emoting and AFKing right before a loss. I figured guild premades would have higher standards.
It is such a shame it is so much trouble to set up premades. In the last few weeks the community has made great strides in setting them up.

Oh my god I know right, could there be a less viable class in premades? Doubtful.

Warlocks are really good for premade, just need the right healer setup.
Umm warlocks are one of the strongest classes in premades.... Affliction dot spread/protection with constant fears for cc
Umm warlocks are one of the strongest classes in premades.... Affliction dot spread/protection with constant fears for cc

Stop, affliction is useless, and they will get destroyed if within 30 yards to fear.

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