Hey guys.
Thanks for giving me the best time I had in WoW, in my 4-5 years of on and off playing... even twinking 70s wasn't as fun as doing premades with the cool tink kids on AP Horde. I think the bracket is in good hands - F2P is already the biggest bracket with potential to have even more on offer when MoP hits. It's up to you guys to make the most of it and continue building a great community for newcomers.
I've decided that I'm done with WoW at last, having tried to quit since the day I started playing - all I know is that this game is holding me back from going into my next "life stage" so to speak.
Just a special thanks to all the cool kids for the special part you played in my F2P experience, no particular order, not an exclusive list by any means: Rhae, Basket, Salfir, Veinte, Bizr, Incest, Mailu, Decem, Merula, Swagbag, Swagpouch, the rest of the original swags. AP Horde definitely has a great vibe, and I hope it retains that fun-loving spirit!
I'll come hang around from time to time, maybe do a BG or two, or just sit in Org with our picnic baskets.

You probably won't see me on Pennypurse anymore, I'm gonna donate all my gold/junk to someone - but Swagpurse will pop in every now and then.
Highlights of my time here:
- Sunday Fishing Chat... miss it so much
- Jumping into the Maelstrom with Veinte
- Taking over DMF!
- Teasing Mailu, jk love you <3
- Being silly with Rhae
- Decem scary face *,,,,*
If you need to reach me, just PM, it'll go to my email
Remember - don't let the hunters/24s get you down!