It's a cheeseburger, it's a monster truck


It's another
That's right for 3 weeks or however long this thread will live you will be listing your friends and family or some random guy you think did the better job at his / her class.

Some things I want you to follow as best as you can
-If you want to be critical then remain civil about it.
-If you are angry about this thread let me know in PM.
-if you want to see your name taken down notify me in PM
-If you would like to send your list privately send it here

You are not allowed to list yourself.
You may vote only once.

Dasha did a good job of the EU thread so I didn't alter much.
Happy posting. You may start listing

Lìl: 6
Fintlek: 1
Deftspector: 2
Outtlaw: 2
Gøødpon: 1
Falanks: 3
Felix: 1
Humantrfkr(N/A): 1
Phròntistery: 2
Raandome: 1
Reactivate: 1

Ballmer: 5
Elffies: 2
Ashburst: 1
Duskstab: 1
Zaronce: 3
Airles: 3
Domisunique: 1
Cheesetoast: 2
Kibbies: 1
Randomcuts: 1
Ole: 1

Oldspike: 8
Tenshin: 3
Licholas: 1
Budson?: 2
Spewfeel: 4
Mirenelle(N/A): 2
Slice(N/A): 2
Sunslam: 1
Outcharged: 1

Villageidiot: 1
Tentacles: 1
Oozyevil: 1
Brianthebad/Brianthegood: 8
Faelqt: 5
Salfir: 4
Bmac?: 1

Krakatau: 1
Bendandcough/Bendandcough: 6
Albinocow: 5
Bisonpower: 6
Raandome: 2
Tkaati: 3
Ashboom: 2
Ploy: 1
Chelly: 1
Aeternas: 1

Riptides: 5
Bigdip: 3
Powergrip: 1
Mindy: 2
Trøphywife: 1
Bizr: 1
Phrontistery: 1
Elrise: 1

Bellyrolls: 3
Activate: 5
Deadvolcano: 3
Danktps(N/A): 3
Wátergun: 2
Tacticz: 2
Flynn: 1
Wizkidone: 2
Twinkatmage: 1

Gartahwa: 1
Reflexz: 6
Klinda: 4
Ghoulshine: 3
Cheesetoes: 1
Housecall: 1
Yrie: 1
Wmwwmwwmwwmw: 1
Rhaellia/Itchycoo/Bread: 1
Kale(N/A): 1
Êarl/Earl: 2
Irrational: 1
Khrew: 1
Bop: 1


Spooch: 4
Potatoez: 1
Wazy: 1
Tashalah(N/A): 1
Yaws: 5
Elarandria: 3
Krews: 2
Ðecem: 2
Yde(N/A): 1
Veinte: 1
Kochi: 1

Exotic Dancer and Stripper *:
Bend/Bend: 2
Bellybutton: 1

* this will be the one exception the the self voting rule
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Hunter: fintlek, deftspector, Lil

Rogue: Ballmer or ellfies

Warrior: Oldspike or tenshin

Warlock: Vilageidiot or tentacles

Druid: Krakatau or Raandome

Shaman: Not sure

Mage: Bellyrolls or Activate

Paladin: Gartahwa or reflexz (hes good on all of his characters)

Priest: spooch <--- best all time, no need to argue

I picked these people because A. I hate playing against them in BG's because they are good. or B. when I play with them they excel at working together in a pug and make great decisions in games.
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Gee, that Bellybutton guy who happens to be in my signature is sure damn good. I wonder who owns him?
hunter - sorry i really can't name one because i can't find skill in playing the class
warrior- oldspike, licholas ( picnic buddy ), teshin
warlock - oozyevil ( my lover )
pally - klinda ( another lover )
rogue - effies, ash and dusk (partners in crime)
druid - none stack spirit so they are all crap
mage - activate ( sexy )
priest - spoochy and potatoez ( <3 >9000)
Hunter: Just no
Rogue: Zaronce (You may not know him, but you should. Objective player that returns flags against insane odds)
Warrior: Budson? Currently playing, Oldspike probably
Warlock: Brianthebad/Softlock
Druid: Bend. Albino and Bison but in no particular order. I haven't played with either enough to rank. Bison doesn't hesitate to destroy his Rej key to save my ass so thanks for that ;)
Shaman: Riptides (not to bump our BWL guys again but Rips has amazing map awareness and always pops out of nowhere to pull you back from nothing)
Mage: Activate/Deadvulcano (haven't played with either much, mages are so few and far between I usually just see puggers)
Paladin: Don't know (edit: Oh well Cheese is great heals. For some reason I don't notice many pallys. It's always nice to see a good ret.)
Priest: Wazy
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Pala: ghoulshine
War: mirenelle
Mage: danktps
Lock: bizzare or brianthebad
Hunt: outtlaw or goodpon
Priest: spooch
Druid: randome or tkatti
Rog: airles or domisunique
Sham: bigdip

Tried to keep it closer to the pug side.. plenty of worthy people unmentioned but there's mine
I think it is hard to do it everyclass cause for some classes the diff specs are way too different. Idk how to measure how good is a feral compared to a resto, or a elemental to a enhancement.. But I would vote myself in all categories but hunter rogue and druid (the classes i dont play).
Is Licholas back to playing? Or is that just someone that bought his account? I did a random pug yesterday and saw him.
Preists: Krews and Yaws
Druids: Ashboom, Bendandcough, Bisonpower
Warlock: Faelqt
Mage: Watergun
Warrior: Oldspike
Monk: Albinocow
This list will probably end up being friends and inactive people.

Hunter: I don't even know. Lil, I guess. :)
Warrior: Budson. There are also several male orc warriors from assorted servers that I've seen recently who were impressive. Can't remember the names at the moment, though.
Paladin: Url, Rhae, Wmwmwmwmw or whatever it is!
Rogue: Cheesetoast. Ballmer. Zaronce.
Warlock: Bizr. Salfir (i miss u). Brianthebad. Faelqt.
Druid: Bend.
Shaman: Riptides. Mindy.
Mage: Activate, Tacticz.
Priest: Spooch. Decem.
Sorry this is a terrible list. I'm bad at remembering names. :(

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